S sbbeef19 New member Joined Jul 27, 2014 Messages 1 Reaction score 0 Location Vicksburg, MI Jul 27, 2014 #1 Here is a JPG picture that has a combination of the wire colors and Lettering for a 1975 to 1977 GL1000 Attachments GL1000-WIIRNG-DIAGRAMS-1977.jpg 157.7 KB
Here is a JPG picture that has a combination of the wire colors and Lettering for a 1975 to 1977 GL1000
dan filipi Well-known member Staff member Administrator Moderator Supporting Member Joined Dec 3, 2009 Messages 22,463 Reaction score 275 Location Van Nuys Ca. My Bike Models 1983 Interstate 2018 KLR 650 2018 BMW S1000 RR My Bike Logs forum link https://classicgoldwings.com/forums/dan-filipi.122/ Jul 27, 2014 #2 Cool, I've added this to the Gallery wiring diagrams/1000