1983 interstate to date: whole bike overhauled (woke up & put back in service) 3 years ago and parked in my garage near the ocean in Florida. Carbs were rebuilt then with new oem needles & seats. All new seals from Randakks. Stabil & non-alcohol gas for 9 months of storage. That worked fine till this year when the accel pump diaphragm failed, so replaced and checked to see nozzles squirt well. Now to the mystery, there is a little new hesitation just after butterflies open, then the power comes on fine. I found an idle mixture screw fell out of it’s place during carb removal (see pic) so I put that back in. What causes can you think of to explain the (new) stumble? I sprayed around the base of the manifold elbows for leak detection with no leaks found. I didn’t do anything to the carb rack except replace the accel pump diaphragm. How about some fresh armchair brainstorming to iron this out.