[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=189397#p189397:g9xjnyuo said:
Rich1764 » Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:24 am[/url]":g9xjnyuo]
I purchased a manifold and single 34pict3 carb from SC Conversions. Nice set up from what I can tell. I plugged the throttle plate hole as suggested by Bill Gratzl at SCC. It did not work for me. The carb was un-tunable. Unplugged the throttle plate and adjusted everything as per Bill's instructions. Bike now runs, idles OK and revs great with no load on the engine. On the street there is a flat spot or stumble right off idle making smooth starts hard to do. Acceleration is inconsistent with flat spots which seem to be eliminated by giving the engine a squirt of gas with the accelerator pump. I've tried to tweak the settings with some success(higher idle with bypass screw, about 3 turns out on the small volume control screw.) The engine pulls strong once you get it above the low rpm flat spots. Bike is ride able and I like the carb set up but wish I could solve the flat spot issue. Any ideas or suggestions??