Glad your'e happy riding your bike.Your seat could be adjusted backwards two knotches(positions) if i'm correct from the pictures it seems its all the way foward touching the fake tank.That might help a bit with your shin hitting the head.check under the seat on the sides half way down the back sortta.[/quote]
It was set all the way forward in the shop, where those pics were taken. I had downloaded the owner's manual and saw how to adjust the seat, so took care of that before I rolled out. I couldn't get it all the way into the back hole until I got it home. Thanks for the suggestion, though!!
I rode the old girl to work today! Because I'm still such a rookie, I stuck to surface streets, so I got a lot of stopping and starting practice. My work is twenty miles, doorstep to doorstep. It was fifty degrees when I left the house and I definitely did not need the liner in the jacket.
My biggest fear was stalling at a stop light, or something silly like that. Nothing like that happened, though..... yet! In fact, the ride in was pretty uneventful.
Coming home, I encountered a little more traffic, which I expected. I made one silly choice in a street and that was interesting. Lots to watch out for! Still, I had no bad surprises other than a couple short notice stops, which I pulled off OK. I do think I have some suspension issues to address, though.
My biggest issue was the fact it got dark on me before I got home and I'm not accustomed to riding in the dark. The windscreen wasn't the easiest to see through, which brings up another point. My windscreen needs to go up, or down just a little. Preferably down. I think I'd prefer to see over the top most of the time. I saw in the owners manual where there is some adjustment, but I couldn't get mine to budge. Honestly, though, I didn't really try all that hard.
All in all, I really and truly enjoyed my ride. I think she'll be a pretty good commuter for me. Mark me down for forty miles today!!