got rearended tonight...

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Omega Man

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Sin City, Nevada
Ayup, was Omw to hookup with the wife and daughter at a local casino and got rearended. I was waiting at a light and bang. I heard something break, it was my tail light. I think his foot slipped off the clutch of his truck. He asked if I was OK, and I was. There was a look of terror on his girlfriend's face, but that may be because I was wearing my vest and mistook me for a 1%(lol). Anyway, the guy asked if it was bad and I shrugged and said the tail light needs to be replaced. He asked how much? $100 seemed like a nice number, since I had the upper hand. He dove into the cab for his wallet and produced 5 $20s. At this point I asked if they were OK and they nodded eagerly. We had fun at the casino.
Did you fall over? This man was an honorable man.. And happy you didn't call the coppers on him... I would have had to ask you if you take credit cards... :beg:
Good you weren't hurt and damage was minimal. I was rear ended a couple years ago almost and my truck is still waiting for repair. With bent frame and accordian bed. I was am too honest to whine to the medics so I got nothing. :Doh2:
It's a good thing that sort of thing is legal there in Vegas.... :ahem:
(that's a joke...don't'll come to you later.. :yes: )

Good to hear ya didn't take a dive, O-man. Fixing a tail-light ain't that hard, compared to the other possible outcome...
And it's good to know there are still some folks out there that are willing to admit they messed up, and pay for it. :clapping:
Man .... what a deal , I have been rear ended in a car , and it about broke both of Our Necks... I hate to even think about that on a bike. Your a lucky man , that it didn't really hurt you bad .
Thanks guys. Before bed my back started acting up, and my left leg is bumping this morning, but that isn't so unusual anymore.

What's really spooky is just before I left to meet them I almost posted a YouTube of a guy getting rearended at a stop light in the off topic section.
Sure glad you and the bike are ok. I got an extra tail light, Infact I got a lot of extra 1100 parts. I recently watched a Utube video of a guy getting rear ended on the freeway, it was scary. It just amazes me how careless some motorist are.
I had that happen inline at the gas pumps at Costco once. The lady just backed up before I had time to react. Only broke my front fender guard and took some paint off the fender. she never looked back even though I was honking at her. :head bang: :head bang:

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