Greetings from the desert

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
philc » Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:23 pm[/url]":2vo90nty]
Welcome paulovilla,
Your in good company, this site is populated by knowledgeable folks willing to help.
Some of the things I learned here gave me the confidence to dig a little deeper than usual and solve problems on my own, gaining valuable experience at the same time. I am confident you will value the help here at Classic Goldwings.
I learned to ride while living in the Coachella Valley, working in Cat City commuting up Indian Ave. almost to Morongo. Without access to a car I learned and rode full time, year round in sandstorms, strong (35-45? mph) side winds, deep, loose sand and months on end of triple digit heat. Doing all of that on 1960s-70s street bike technology taught me so much that has served me well over the years. Night riding on a hot desert night is sort of magical, still miss that now and then.
Good luck with your charging system.
I know what you mean.
Quiet, calm, hard to describe. Different for sure.
Thanks a lot for all the useful tips guys. I think my bike charging system is fine now. I was using a lot of white grease on the battery terminals, and sand, dust and dirt created a nasty crust. That was causing bad contact I guess. The 3 yellow wires look just fine, so I believe I (hopefully) found the cause. Now when I measure the voltage deliver on the terminals, it reads 14.60., what is OK I guess.

Phic, yes, around here is still the way you described. 70% of the days triple digits temperature. Lots of sandstorm, and riding at night feels like heaven. No words can describe when there is moonlight. I've
rode a few times to Salton Sea on full moon nights. No head lights necessary. It's magical.
[url= said:
paulovilla » Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:11 pm[/url]":25gnu8yt]
Now when I measure the voltage deliver on the terminals, it reads 14.60., what is OK I guess.
Right ON! :good: You really dodged a bullet there. :yes:

Kool, glad you found the problem before it caused damage,
Ahhh, yes, the amazing ability of windblown sand to go everywhere it darn well pleases.
I remember opening up my contact points cover and most times finding bits of sand in there no matter how hard you tried to keep it out.
Riding up in the High Desert under a moonlit sky with Joshua trees casting shadows is really something special.
Safe travels to you.