Tory":17hrzon7 said:
Why are we talking about harlys on a wing forum?
YEAH! :evil:
My finger is just ITCHIN to hit that delete topic button!
Let's see where's that delete topic option.........
slabghost":17hrzon7 said:
If memory serves the new Royal Enfields get 80mpg. And aside from their good looks they are light and relatively inexpensive. :mrgreen:
Yeah but its NOT A GOLDWING or even a HONDA for that matter witch just goes to prove you must give something up to gain anything.
I can get even better than that on a HONDA passport scooter,but I dont want to ride one very far.
I will stick with my goldwing @42 (For those keeping track thats 2mpg better with my cut down windshiel vs. the tall wrap around I use early/late in year)
Or even @ 30mpg
Or even @ 20mpg
After all it is a GOLDWING and being an 1100 one of the best GOLDWINGS built. :salute: I am quit certain at 40mpg my wing is far cheaper to keep on the road than a H-D or Enfield.Spend alot in maintnaince or a little in gas.
And yes that was definatly pissy.Also biased.opinionated and pricky.Im good at that. :whip:
But I love ya man. :music: