Thanks guys, but I think that I would like to locate and install the original radio, speakers, and gauge cluster. I can't use to CD player while riding anyway because it skips and I need to find out why I can't keep my battery charged while the bike is just parked or travelling at low speed in a parade. After 10 miles of blowing the horn and coming into the parking lot for the parade finish, she wouldn't fire back up and had to be push started. Not easy for one man to do with this pig. After a 20 mile highway ride home and turned off in the driveway, she fired right up after being shut off for a few minutes. I've already replaced the auxillary lights from 55w to 35w but they still kill the battery after an hour and I love riding at night. I've replaced the battery and the rectifier as it didn't charge at all when I bought it. She charges at about 14.3v over 1800rpm so I have no clue what path to take next.
She does look great, but I think that it would look better with the stock radio and gauges. Any thoughts?