hot and knocking

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
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i have a 84 GL1200 interstate.i took it out for a ride today and went about 35 miles them turned around and headed home.about halfway home it lost power and was running a little hot so i pulled over and killed it and let it set for awhile started right up and went about 5 miles and again it happended but now with a slight engine knock and no power.i checked all fluids before i left the house all what could it be??? water pump? timing jump?
Running out of gas maybe?

Check the fuel flow but I think since your 1200 has an electric pump it will start to tap rapidly if it's not getting gas but it could also be a bad pump.
Ya know, could be many things but I would start with checking fuel delivery, the easiest stuff first then make your way into it further.
Also if the gas cap vent is plugged the vacuum created in the tank can restrict fuel flow.
When it starts acting up, loosen the gas cap and see if it improves.
Look at the plugs. Check compression. Check to see if the fan is coming on. Check the radiator is full and the fins are clean. Check for weak spark. Excessive spark plug gap. Clogged fuel filter. Well that should be enough to get you started.

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