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dan filipi

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Dec 3, 2009
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Van Nuys Ca.
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Obama acts like this terrorism crap is under control. Yeah sure it is.

I'm getting damn tired of this word "terrorism", as if I'm supposed to feel terrorized or afraid of these fuckers.
U.S needs to stop ****** around and nuke these pricks out of existence.
i agree ...but you might find out isis is not who its advertised to be in the people ....there way to sophisticated and appear to be mercenaries for hire of the highest caliber ....posing as Muslims extremist ...odumberthanhell is a joke also he one too ...a mercenary president to to enhance terrorism on american public ...he should be impeached and jailed for life in my opinion ...
Feel like i`m around a bunch of children the way we approach bad`s the thing..we used to not care what the rest of the world thought about our actions we just did what needed done and to hell with what europe or asia or anyone thought, now we must be kill the bad guys while the bad guys use innocent humans to hide behind then use images of women and children dead from bomb blast (or maybe they the terrorists killed them for impactful images) and use them to say how bad we are and the press eats it up, that is the problem with modern day war with bad guys that have no respect for human life.
Only way to beat them is to bomb the hell out of them and and sorry for the collateral damage, these guys are so evil, the evilest things that have ever walked this earth and nothing but all out war will defeat them, no talking,negotiating, no bribes, cant change their hearts because they have none..they must be annihilated.
Way back when there was an organization called Executive Outcomes a sort of mercenaries for hire, some of the best and baddest ex military and operational experts money could buy, something like 25 guys, lots of ordnance and a helicopter went in and cleared the African jungle of thousands of terrorist that had taken over a certain area of Africa, It scarred other countries so much the UN outlawed them..I think many countries need something like that and they have plenty of resources to pay for them.
Yep..Pretty tired of muslim extremest whatever name they use.

PS..If I`m not around much its because they shut down the WiMax network and lost my internet, home is for sale and not want to sign a contract for a year to get connected so I`m just going to get on at GF house or library..not sure but probably end up in OK or Tx by spring.
Still riding and finally nice enough to get out...WooHoo!
There has to be more reason to what is going on.
We will most likely never know what the truth is behind all the killings but I believe even these ******** doing it, would not do it without being provoked with what appears to be retaliation from where I sit.
Big money, big government, big powers. They all have **** they're hiding and they play dirty.

I mean get real. The super powers have the ways and means to go in with pinpoint accuracy and rid the planet of this scum.
Why are they not doing this?
The French seem to be putting on their big boy pants and stepping up their game now, Our U.S powers need to get their heads out of their ***** and do the same.
Bottom line is this. Gun control means disarming the law abiding people. What happened in Paris would be much less if the population were carrying pistols. And it would have eliminated all the terrorists before they got past starting. Governments don't fear each other or military groups they fear their own peoples.
seems forever now in america ..someone dose something and all Americans suffer ...gun control is the dumbest thing going and shows no respect for the people what so ever ....limiting freedom of speech as offensive to others is also super dumb ...freedom is just a joke with policies that are going on today as politically correct ...there absolutely nothing correct about the ********* in Washington dc ....they are simply more a threat to america today than any other my opinion ....they simply work for something else than the people there suppose me that a crime on us all....
Truley believe Obummer is a muslim & things are going a little slow for him, only a year left to transform America into the third world **** hole of his dreams. Don't forget about ol Butch telling us about the new world order, so the republicans are the same as the democrats. The most amusing thing to happen is the way the GOP is loosing it over Trump. Hillery MUST be sweating it a bit too, as he says statute of limitations will not be up when he gets in office, & he will PROSECUTE HER, for all the ********! :party:

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