Lights are moving........

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Got a question, when the bike idles the lights are,........ how do I explain it......... have a slight in & out effect :shock: !! AAH, not a steady beam but a slight wave to it,.........this was a rebuilt one? What causes this, does it need grounded directly to the battery??? Any ideas :beg: ??? :thanks: :hi: Bob :hi:
Put a volt meter on the battery, it sounds like the alternator isn't supplying a steady voltage.
Check it above idle also.

The alternator case get's it's ground by it's mount to the engine unless you used an insulated bushing or something like that it should be grounded.
Clean the ground and hot cables, especially the ground connection behind the engine mount.

If everything looks good then have the alternator tested at a alternator shop.
dan filipi":3i12uafj said:
Put a volt meter on the battery, it sounds like the alternator isn't supplying a steady voltage.
Check it above idle also.

The alternator case get's it's ground by it's mount to the engine unless you used an insulated bushing or something like that it should be grounded.
Clean the ground and hot cables, especially the ground connection behind the engine mount.

If everything looks good then have the alternator tested at a alternator shop.
Hay Dan,... I went out and started her up and let her warm up a little. Put the metter on and she was doing her job of charging,.....13.6 13.8 14.3....... kinda of a loop!! Working ok and then I just listen and heard the electric fuel pump in beat as you will, with the lights oscillating,.. :headscratch: !! I think I found my culpurit because when I sped up on the engine, the problem seemed to venture away!!! :yes: So sometime, I'll have the Alt. checked out under you advise!! Thanks Dan :thanks: Later :hi: Bob
The pulley on my stock alternator had only 4 or 5 grooves (serpentine) and this high amp alternator has 6 grooves (serpentine). Can I still use this alternator? Will it mess up my belt(s)?

No. There are several different serpentine pulleys available for late model alternators. Typically, the pulley off the stock alternator will fit on the Powermaster high amp alternator, if you prefer using the stock pulley. Powermaster high amp late model alternators come with a small, 6 groove serpentine pulley for a universal fit. If the stock alternator had a 4 or 5 groove pulley, the belt can still be used on the 6 groove pulley

This is from Jegs Q&A board!! Well they at least had something good to offer :read: !! :hi: Bob
About pulley ratio,.... would a 1.9 be too much or should I try to stick around a 1.7 ratio :headscratch: ??? Later :hi: Bob
Hay Dan, I got my 1.75 pulley on the Alt. using the 3.5 on the crank, if I figured right :laptop: is this a 2 to 1 ratio? I'm letting the lock tight dry overnight and will try tomorrow to see what she put out :yes: !! If this works as I have no doubt it will, I'll have to get a shorter belt!! Later, :hi: Bob
WE HAVE LIFT OFF!!!!! :party: :party: The 1.75 pulley helps put 14.32 to 14.53 :yahoo: !! I also tested the 10" fan and it works great :Egyptian: , comes on just past middle goes off at a resonable spot!! A better fan and right size for the bike :music2: !! I put a digital Volt meter on and it reads better then the analog :cool: !! Then the left mirror broke,... :smilie_happy: !! All in a days work :smilie_happy: !! Later Dudes, :hi: Bob
Joe, the fan is 2.5" thick and clears without hitting the fender but I should also mention I replaced the OEM springs with Progressive spring which helps!! :good: !! And the test ride was GREAT on a Beautiful 80' day!! :party: Then the mirrior fell off :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: !! Gotta maintain these Babies :builder: !! Later, :hi: Bob

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