The TireGard I got from ebay finally showed up yesterday. This one has 3 sensors for a trike/3 wheeler set up.
Comes with sensors, recievers, batteries, and anti-theft device.
I don't really expect to need to deter theft, but they might help to keep them from flying away on the highway.
This is a very expensive setup everywhere I looked, but I found this one on ebay with a .99 cent starting bid. The auction ended with 10 bids, winning bid was $31 and $10 for shipping from Texas.
I haven't had the chance to mess with them yet, but I'll let you know how they do after useing them for awhile.
Hmmmmm..... for that price, it would make a nice gift, wouldn't it?
NOT! :mischief: :mischief: :smilie_happy: