carbs in place but not connected yet.
turned the trike around so took the opportunity to get an outside pic
That's the carbs just resting there, will fix them down when I'm happy I've resolved any space conflicts.
Can't place the headlights on top of the bar because on the right hand side the offset of the axle puts it out of range for the traffic regs. So will mount them on the vertical part of the bar instead. to be honest, I didn't much like the light on top, looked a bit too Noddy car for me.
Another tricky little job done was to poke the handle bar cables inside the handle bar. I have also extended them. Most of the electrical bits are finding there way back onto the trike. One small problem is the 2 relays hanging from the mostly blue cables, I know they fit next to the flasher relay but have forgotten how.
Next pic shows the home made grommets, cut down from bigger, fatter ones.
Another change of plan - I will now stick with the points ignition to save time on the build. Can always convert later.
Still have to buy new coils so any advice appreciated. I have read a lot of the older posts on coils but can't make up my mind from them. Cost isn't an issue here; got to have the right stuff.
Before getting the prop shaft connected I managed to find 6 wrong ways to fit it. One big job over.
Can't remember how these funny little square things were fitted (you can tell I'm not much of an auto electrician)
I have lost a piece to the puzzle so if anybody can help; please do!
Other things started: got one wheel stripped, and am painting it now. Decided to hand paint just in case any of the wheels fail in use, I can always powder coat the 2 good ones when I've checked them over a few miles.
Working on the rear bumper too. You'll see what I mean soon.
Thinking of ways to hold the silencer cans off the tube work, shouldn't be too hard.
Lot of the electrics connected but I've got too many unidentifiable left overs. Could be in trouble here...
but not to worry, having too much fun.