Hung the exhaust, originally they were going straight under the axle and out the back but as that looked as if they were dragging on the ground and did nothing for the look of the trike I bent them up. Put a bracket in but on thinking it over decided I really wanted the cans to be as far back as legally possible. I also found that the right hand can sits too close to the prop shaft. Extending the pipes would sort both ideas out and I shall get over to the exhaust people as soon as I can. Also found the prop shaft 2 inches too short as I am leaving the reverse gear flywheel off until later. Shall have to get a slice of steel bar and get machining. Not a big job.
Done very little else since the last posting, weather still ok so no problems with the cold and wet yet. Organising some jobs to do in the house garage as that has heating, for when winter arrives.