Another mistake, using Allen head screws for the pump.
Those in the picture are long ones I used to gently pull the water pump into place. Then I removed them, added the crush washers, and used new Allen screws to tighten them up. Little bit at a time, then, oops, the washers crumpled up around the screw head. Too little surface area for the washers.
No damage done, sent off for more washers and 3 new proper screws from David Silver, should be here next week.
Leaving the water pump for now, got on with changing as many oil seals on the engine as I can find. Did the two front camshaft ones after loosening off the camshafts, but it looks as if there should be two in the back ends as well. From the parts diagrams saw that the left hand shaft has one but can't find one for the right hand side.
Also removed the timing belt pulley front bolt to look there, but I have to wait until my new puller arrives before I can remove the drive pulleys.
Found another in the gear shift shaft, expected to find one at the rear of the crankshaft but not got to one yet.
Changed the special seal on the output drive shaft, that was an easy one.
Should anyone know where else to look please shout!
Next job, change the neutral start switch, and the new one wouldn't go in far enough. Had a shout on the NGW forum and up came the answer to put it in neutral. Should have thought of that. Did so, it slid in a treat.
Last job for now, is to rebuild the back axle hubs. Got new bearings, seals, springs and brake shoes ready and this is the first hub with everything done but the brakes. Getting the new slave cylinder in is a pain, leaving that for the next time. It lives in that rectangular slot and had I remembered to put it in whilst the hub was down it would have saved me a lot of hassle!
BTW, after 3 years, I think I should finish sometime next Autumn. Hard to tell really, when I started I gave it 18 months.