My 740/32 dft carb install thread

Classic Goldwings

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That is true joe but its time to start the restoration of the bike so we'll how it goes when its done
If you mean remove the stock rack and install a single carb. No there is no plug and play kit to be had. Occasionally a manifold with single carb can be found on ebay. Which will sometimes give you a good start in the right direction. If the seller says the bike ran good with it. Presume he lies. Maybe it actually did work well over 2000 rpm. But not below it. Generally those who have gotten the single carb dialed in correctly won't consider returning to stock carbs.
There are a few that claim bolt on and go careful, most likely it won't be.
That's not to say that it can't be made to work properly, usually getting a good idle is the hardest.
If you decide to go that route, post here what your looking at and we'll help as much as we can.
Thanks for the info, have read a lot about single/dual carbs, but don't have enough faith, confidence or knowledge to attempt myself.
Will discuss with my mechanic and post if I go that route.
Thanks again.
Joe,the bike is laying in various pieces in my garage,im going to do a restore on it,hope to have it up again next spring
There was at least one guy who gutted the carbs, then mounted a carb where the air box was. He said it worked decent and called it a five barrel or six barrel.

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