I only have off tomorrow,might spend some time working on my goodest 78.Then I will be gone to wyoming for a week.I bet its cold up there.75 degrees here.Beautiful.Anyhow,I will soon find out if either of my motors are ok.If so, I will press on.I realy want to buy the cl bike i posted here.He has 1 gasket leaking,one around the carbs somewhere,not the head gasket.He rode it yesterday.The nearly perfect one for 1000 didnt last long.Anyhow, if i wind up getting this bike working for one it will sell easier and two I probably would keep it and ride it more than the harley.But all I have read I really want to go to a single carb setup.probably make a pvc manifold.A weber/carter carb I hear is a chinese weber copy.I have heard the vw solex pct was ok.But a problem
is not having a heated circuit to carbs other than a weber.But the weber carb and manifold is as much as i paid for the bike.I wont spend that unless i owned a really nice bike.The randakk kit is superior if i stayed with stock carbs, but i dont feel too confident getting those clean and working right.Plus it costs $178.1.How does one get heat to a carb setup.2.if no heat is there, does it make the bike just take a long time to run up and get off the choke?I think pvc would cost about $20 plus I found pcts for $75.
I was just googling fat bob tanks.Way too much conversion work.But one guy bought a 79 for 600, really made a sweet looking bike out of it.It looked like it had a stock shelter.There is so much possibility with these bikes.If I had the harley sold and nothing to ride it would suck.So maybe its good it hasnt sold while i work on buying or fixing one that is rideable.I also found a 1500 here for only $1750.Now those are not made naked and after owning 3 of them they are like riding in a cadillac,especially with their cruise control.
But, the downside is they are 850 pounds.being stuck in traffic like i am here is crummy with all that weight.
decisions decisions.