NEW Members vs OLD Members **CHALLENGE** READ this please

Classic Goldwings

Help Support Classic Goldwings:

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Thanks out to everyone for your continuing donations and other contributions!

With these donations we can continue to offer a free forum to all members new and old and with the excellent references and tutorials as a group effort we keep these old girls on the road.

I'm taking this opportunity here to also let everyone know if you ever have any problems or concerns with the forums, be it logging in problems, uploading pictures, etc. You can always send a PM or email to any one of the moderators or myself and we'll take care of it.
this is really funny, I'm having a hard time staying logged in, everytime I write something and think I'm logged in I'm actually not and once I hit that submit button everything gets all lost and I am told I wasn't logged in, it happened trying to write this, so I think that's really funny..frustrating at times but funny, only because I love writing freakin books..I guess I have lots to say...even though it doesn't amount to beans but I still like to read my own BS...I think it's stupid..but it's funny too...
How long, time-wise does it take you to type out your message? I don't know what the time-out here is, but it may just be that it's taking longer than the setting will allow.
Make sure it shows you Logged In at the top/left of the page, too. :good:

btw....I'm not suggesting you are takes me a while sometimes, too.... :mrgreen:
Many thanks to all members new and old for your contributions to this great site. Both your donations and helpful advice. Oh and we really like helping solve problems too.
Getting logged out like that is almost always a browser problem.
Your browser has to be set to allow cookies, specifically cookies from if you have set restrictions.
(All this is making me hungry.)
You can also try resetting all board cookies. The link for that is at the bottom of the main index page right above who is online and below Forum Statistics. You'll then need to log out and back in.
Let us know how that works out for ya.
All right yous guyes...........Have you all been drinking, or are you just running around without the lights on???? Why do you keep bumping in to things :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
:party: :beer: :beer: :whistling: :whistling:
littlebeaver":gahwcfgx said:
this is really funny, I'm having a hard time staying logged in, everytime I write something and think I'm logged in I'm actually not and once I hit that submit button everything gets all lost and I am told I wasn't logged in, it happened trying to write this, so I think that's really funny..frustrating at times but funny, only because I love writing freakin books..I guess I have lots to say...even though it doesn't amount to beans but I still like to read my own BS...I think it's stupid..but it's funny too...
Seeing as you mentioned it,Ive been having the same problem for the last month.
Some nights I get so fustraighted with it,I give up and shut down.
Ill try the cookies thingy also.
I been having that problem too, but I don't realize it until I wake up and lift my head off the computer desk, five or four hours later, :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:

I sorry, I got off topic.
Well we got a total of 10 donations during this challenge!

3 of them were from members with less than 5 posts, one from a member with NO posts!
The other 7 were from long time members.

Thank you everyone and with special recognition to wilcoy02 for starting this thread and he is is making a monthly donation!
Tory":2yr46p3j said:
littlebeaver":2yr46p3j said:
this is really funny, I'm having a hard time staying logged in, everytime I write something and think I'm logged in I'm actually not and once I hit that submit button everything gets all lost and I am told I wasn't logged in, it happened trying to write this, so I think that's really funny..frustrating at times but funny, only because I love writing freakin books..I guess I have lots to say...even though it doesn't amount to beans but I still like to read my own BS...I think it's stupid..but it's funny too...
Seeing as you mentioned it,Ive been having the same problem for the last month.
Some nights I get so fustraighted with it,I give up and shut down.
Ill try the cookies thingy also.

make a donation see if that clears it up :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
Hi all, I've been off the forum for some time but the 83 is doing really well, and thanks to all the advice I have received here. Everything from checking the stator bolt during PM service to the progressive springs that really made a big difference in the ride. I can't put a price tag on the value of what I have learned here but it is a lot. This is a great forum and I'm happy to donate, should have long before now.