Active member
I served four years and two tours with the cavalry in H (Hawk) Troop 1st Cav Reg’t, 3BCT 1AD out of Ft. Riley, KS. My bumper number was H-8 (Hawk 8 for radio transmission)…every number meant something. First digit called out platoon & second digit called out function, 8 was the maintenance truck, although most the time it was me and my tools riding with trouble trucks out on missions. Three years after I got out of the army, they actually called me. I thought they were calling to bring me back, but it turned out they wanted to verify my address for other reasons - they were sending payment for the year I was stop-lossed (not allowed to leave after my ETS date). Within a week I had a check for 5 grand...two days later I had an '01 HD Sportster Custom (still a sore spot for my wife, since that came before the ring...), and a few years later I got smart and traded the Sporty for a wing. I've got a 1983 (same age as me) GL1100i and I'll never look back. I've been riding it for a few months now and am starting to pinpoint the issues that need to be resolved...I'll save those for other threads though. Nice to meet everyone, looking forward to taking part in the forums here!