No more flipping the bird.

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Omega Man

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Sin City, Nevada
Some jerk was going only 60 in the fast lane and I flipped him off once I got past him. He started chasing me. I didn't get away from him until I got him in a left turn lane then squeezed between the cars to my right and cut through a Dr's Park on the right. Lol, he chased me through two red lights. :Doh2:
Idiots today couldn't care less about disrespecting or inconveniencing others. But boy are they offended by the one finger salute. Passing them has pretty much the same effect.
people ought be to happy someone uses the finger instead of a no finger body massage coma...if given a choice....the finger would be there first choice ...ive posed the ? a few times :hihihi:
People will give chase for almost anything anymore and it has happened to me until the driver sees that I have a .45 strapped to my waste. Drivers back off and stop chasing... If they don't, those are the ones that concern me. My wife asks me why I like loose fitting, baggy shirts. I don't purposely ride with it exposed, but the wind will sometimes blow my shirt up and over the grip enough to make it visible...
Weird, most of the slugs are too meek to travel fast and obviously had no mechanical problems, must have been texting or on the phone, hopefully he wasn't a cop or your in for some trouble.
I used to use it , once got a gun waved at me but as I get older the finger is used for other things.
[url= said:
dan filipi » 7 minutes ago[/url]":ay346vra]
Not worth pushing people's buttons these days. Most are wound up tighter than a guitar string and the slightest extra tension will make them snap.
[url= said:
Omega Man » Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:17 pm[/url]":2n05f7o0]
Some jerk was going only 60 in the fast lane and I flipped him off once I got past him. He started chasing me. I didn't get away from him until I got him in a left turn lane then squeezed between the cars to my right and cut through a Dr's Park on the right. Lol, he chased me through two red lights. :Doh2:
well you got him to move his slow a$$ out of the passing lane :smilie_happy:
When I drive in LV traffic, I stay in my lane and go with the flow. I keep telling myself, "It's a speed limit, not a challenge". No, I don't like to drive in LV, but my son lives there.
I pace traffic , I resist the urge to go around even if they are slow, a use of patience and a way to hone your following skills sometimes I like to get out of the madness and fall in with the truckers , or if I`m behind grandma on the city streets just give her some room and keep pace, really is good practice.
Too many yahoo`s out there don't know how to follow, they just speed up to your rear and pass only to get on another rear end and pass them and they do this all the way along..If you pace a while an opening will happen, get in a hurry can lead to frustration.
Just saying.
[url= said:
zman » 13 minutes ago[/url]":9a2ovqd2]
I pace traffic , I resist the urge to go around even if they are slow, a use of patience and a way to hone your following skills sometimes I like to get out of the madness and fall in with the truckers , or if I`m behind grandma on the city streets just give her some room and keep pace, really is good practice.
Too many yahoo`s out there don't know how to follow, they just speed up to your rear and pass only to get on another rear end and pass them and they do this all the way along..If you pace a while an opening will happen, get in a hurry can lead to frustration.
Just saying.
Man so true Jeff.

Driving in L.A traffic every day is very trying on everyone's patience.
Only way to deal with it is have patience and relax. No getting there any faster.
A few years ago, some fool in a 70's muscle car pulled up beside me in the left lane of a two lane street. He just paced me. When I looked over at him from the right lane, we made eye contact and he smiled...then..he pulled violently over into my lane, and I braked and counter steered right to avoid being run over. He screamed by and flipped me the bird. I was younger then, and chased him. He was forced to stop for a red light and I caught him. I threw the bike on the side stand and started running over to him in an adrenaline induced rage. I grabbed his door handle, hoping to drag the idiot out and give him a good knuckle dusting. He stepped on the gas, turned right, and I was still holding the door handle. It threw me into the intersection. I was so mad that I didn't get a licence plate number, so when I called the cops, they couldn't do anything. Good thing I didn't drag him out of his car. I'm not sure which one of us would have won that fight. Now, if someone is in my blindspot, or pacing me, I'll either brake or roll on the throttle to get the hell away from there. There are too many crazies out there.
There have been some (few) cases where the one who flipped was charged with aggravation.. and with more folks carrying, there could be a lost of momentary lucidity and they do that which they should not.. ( pull and use) stay safe all...
We don't have the right to carry here, but if we did I would be one of the first to do so. and the bigest MOFO that I could get in my hand, the last one was a 44 mag 89 inch barrel. but ideal is a Desert Eagle .50.

But being on a bike, your at a disadvantage, so why not make a pouch with a shield on it, you don't have to be pretending to be a cop, but hey even cops have a day off, of ride home on their bikes, a quick flash is usually enough, especially when your carrying too. :music: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :eek:
I agree with the restraint group.

Not that inwardly, I haven't flipped the bird mentally to modern day inattentive, distracted, and aggressive drivers many times.

But though we are generally faster and more maneuverable, if hemmed in while in traffic:

Idgit+cage=win in any potential senerio.

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