Well I've had my 83 running for a couple weeks now - put about 150mils on it.
Checked the mileage today. Around town letting it warm up good. 28mpg. Its a tank!
I need to get it out on the hwy and see what that is.
Gearing seems different. higher? 3rd revs pretty high if I'm not mistaken. But a lot smoother in5th - as it should be. Not sure really - just seems different than the 78 I was riding the last yr and 1/2.
I like the fairing/shield.
Radio even with new speakers ain't all that. I'd like something better, but what?
its heavy - all about balance. I am a lot more aware of where I park this thing.
Kinda cold blooded on the start up - more than the 78 I reckon.
But as was stated in an earlier thread get warmer quicker - I can feel the heat more off the motor.I hope it doesn't get smokin hot in the summertime....
Other than that I like it so far. Def cool lookin imho. Today I thought I was hallucinating tho...
I was looking at the bike and was mesmerized and thinking/almost visualizing of someone's avatar on here (can't remember who) that morphs into different GL's That was weird. I had to look away.... :Egyptian:
I like this forum. Ya'll have been very helpful, supportive etc. etc. I hope I can do the same.
Checked the mileage today. Around town letting it warm up good. 28mpg. Its a tank!
I need to get it out on the hwy and see what that is.
Gearing seems different. higher? 3rd revs pretty high if I'm not mistaken. But a lot smoother in5th - as it should be. Not sure really - just seems different than the 78 I was riding the last yr and 1/2.
I like the fairing/shield.
Radio even with new speakers ain't all that. I'd like something better, but what?
its heavy - all about balance. I am a lot more aware of where I park this thing.
Kinda cold blooded on the start up - more than the 78 I reckon.
But as was stated in an earlier thread get warmer quicker - I can feel the heat more off the motor.I hope it doesn't get smokin hot in the summertime....
Other than that I like it so far. Def cool lookin imho. Today I thought I was hallucinating tho...
I was looking at the bike and was mesmerized and thinking/almost visualizing of someone's avatar on here (can't remember who) that morphs into different GL's That was weird. I had to look away.... :Egyptian:
I like this forum. Ya'll have been very helpful, supportive etc. etc. I hope I can do the same.