OD Light

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2012
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Lebanon, PA
The more I ride the 1200, the more I find things that are different from the 81. First thing I noticed is that my OD light in the tach is not working. Before I dig into it to see if the bulb is blown, how annoying is that indicator light when riding long distances in Over Drive? What color is it?

If it is too much of a nuisance, I might just leave it alone.
I looked really close at it and it still appears blue - not a lot of time spent outside in this bike's life. Greenish would be okay as long as it isn't as GREEN as the Neutral light.
We are talking about a 5th gear light? It's funny how you don't need something until you don't have it.
Yeah Tony. I don't have it on the 1100 so I wasn't missing it until I looked at th tach real close and saw OD over the light. That's when I realized I was missing something. :shock:
I guess it's anybody's guess what color yours will be Brian.

Little book in glove box from Honda says Green O D light, but both my early 84s, & how many more are purple, is anybody's guess. :headscratch: Dan's is the color of both my 84 standards, but my guess is they used up the purple ones left lying around, & then used the green ones. :wave:
Light is the same low air light as in the 1100s. Or that's my guess, had 2 1100s, & 2 1200 standards, all have same light. Both 84s are of first 1,000 made, & first one had only 4,500 miles on it, from original owner, both same light color, & its NOT GREEN.

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