Well...it's been almost a month since I got my "new" speedo from Mr. Dan. I finally got it installed yesterday....it's been DANG HOT, so I been trying to find any excuse I can to not go outside, or into the garage, but....I had to.
I got called in to work Saturday(BOOOOO! :rant: ), and I noticed on the ride in that my radar defector was bouncin around. It is attached to the windershield with the little suction cups, but I also have a metal bracket underneath to support it, which is fastened to the top of the stereo box. One of the brackets that hold the box to the fairing had broken, so that is what forced me to get out in the oven of a garage to work on the Wing. Can't have the stereo fallin down on top of the steering, can I? I figured since I was already baking, I might as well go ahead and install the fine speedo while I was at it, so I did. I didn't hook up all of the fancy schmancy alarms stuff(turn signal alarm, etc)....did I mention how hot is is here?
Anyway, it was so hot, I figured onced I got the speedo in, I would check and see if it still worked, so....I fired the bike up, put it in gear, and let the clutch out...while on the center stand. Well crap...it don't werk. :Awe: Aboot that time is when I remembered something really important....the speedo runs off of the FRONT wheel.... :doh:
Well, the first ride for the speedo was this morning, and I'm happy(ecstatic, actually) to report that all is well. The speedo works, and the odo reads properly, too. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Now all I gotta do is figure out where all them other wires go...but I can wait till the temps get down to at least boiling.... :mrgreen:
Thanks Dan! :good: