Oh, the memories...

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
My Bike Models
1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
So...I'm at lunch, checkin out the forums, and I see a pic in the "Random images" area that caught my eye. Don't even remember what it was now...it wasn't my pic....but it turned out to be in my thread. :blush:
So....I spent the entire lunchtime reading thru it...time I'll never get back. :doh: It was interesting to go back thru and relive all of the problems I had with that particular renovation, and a little entertaining at the same time. :smilie_happy:

Damn you Random Images!! :rant: :sensored:
If you click on the "Active Topics", "Unread Topics", etc. at the tops of the pages, the Random images section is below all of the topics... :good:

Random gallery images, recent attached images, random attached images, and such...sometimes something there will catch yer eye, and you just GOTTA click on it! :laptop:
The random images always draw me in. Many times I almost replied to a thread that's been long dead.....

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