oldhacks 1100 rebuild

Classic Goldwings

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:hi: I don't know if this will be of any help but on my 80 the first time i sycked the carbs i had a hard time setting up #2 but finaly got all in synk... ran crappy in low ned but ran like a stripes a-- ape through the upper range.....I took it to Reno and back at altitude i started to get post ignition...when i got bach i hooked up my gage again anf rechecked the synk all were in synk however i played with #2 adjustment (ran it up and down) i found another spot lower that was also in synk left it there... jyst took a 160 mile trip with it todayand it ran **** it hsa never ran sinci i got it pills smothly fron the botom up even at low rpm.....I think that #2 was fludding out before.....just a thought Bob :whistling:
ive got a local so to speak fairing that andyb has that im probaly going to get......the heat issue with the factory fairing is very uncomfortable to me .....it sould make a great winter ride though .....im very happy to be close to where i want to be with this bike .......things that have to be done now are going to cost money i dont have right now......

its pretty much back to the doghouse and getting it done now .....ive having huge problems coming up with the metal for the roof and i need to get this done so this is where any money i can come up with is going to go .........
went for a ride last night ....it was in the fiftys ....all that heat ive been complaining about felt good

thers no doubt that this will make for some rides in cold weather a lot more comfortable and possible
I just bought another 1100 myself and it too isn't running on all four. Also the crossover coolant pipe is leaking. Is that just "O" rings? I also need to get metal to close in my carport. I checked with Lowes but it's costly that way. Let me know if you find a good source.
yea o rings on coolant tube .......seems there always one bad cylinder and always a combination of thins causing it good luck with that......here in southern indiana theres twoo places that actualy stamp the metal from the large rolls ....i need 18 ft peices ....i think two weeks ago i could get 10ft peices for 9.86 a sheet .

it seems after posting that my fortune is going the other way and looking better .....the war of words on things always gets out of hand .....im cant wait till the materials actualy materializes at my house so i can get it done .....

i dont know how that compares with the prices you have looked at ....or how far away you are in eastern ohio but if i can help you some how just let me know.... :mrgreen:
yea my drive is good .....but when i step on the gas it seems i have a cylinder or two not up to snuff so i spit ans sputter around alot and still try to get there anyway :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :salute: :heat: :mrgreen:
took my wife patty out for a ride on the 83 last night .....she was qiute happy in the the queens comand possitions ....and went on an on about how much she like it ....even though its not running as good as it could yet it had no problem with two up riding ....no problems with suspension or ride .....it seem to fit us nice just perfect size for us were not that big im probably 190wt. and shes 120wt. theres lots of hills here and it was no problem maintaining a 70mpg speed at all ......i also enjoyed the thootle lock deal first ive ever had ......im ambidextrious but mostly left handed when it comes to strenth and it was quite enjoyable to use my left hand on the bars and rest my right hand for the first time ever .....i cant wait to get it running better and to take it on a trip.....

on a i dont know thing ive been trying to contact oldhack by PM and by phone for a week without luck im hoping he is okay ....i wish i knew how to contact him some other way as im concernd about him .....
Honestly, Joe, I'm sorry I caused any worry -- I just had gotten a little heartsick at having nothing to ride while wanting to 'get in the wind' so badly. I just took a break from looking in here or at any other motorcycling site.
It sounds like you're making good progress toward having a decent dresser, however hard I've made it for you. Seems you're coming to the same conclusion I had about the bike before the wreck -- it's a sound base for a good machine, but needs work. Too bad you're having to discover all over again some of the things I'd done over my ownership.
During my last oil change, for example, I'd used 16 oz. of Marvel Mystery Oil -- which, essentially, is ATF -- in the refill, and had seen some improvement. I'd begun scouting for coils/plug wires, so am gratified to learn that that, indeed, seems to have been the problem with the iffy cylinder. But, most of any good I'd done was lost, I'm sure, when the bike sat for 5 weeks before you got it. You're probably starting at the same place I started at, though you'll get it up to speed faster.
Glad, though not surprised, to hear your wife liked riding 'back seat' to you on it. My riding partner and I were amazed that we could carry on a spoken-voice conversation behind the windshield/fairing without too much volume. It was/is really a great 2-up machine!
I know it's draining you of your Goldwing resources, Joe, but I'm glad that you've got the bike because you'll make it road-worthy again, and enjoy and appreciate it. I didn't have enough time on it to really make it mine, but felt, finally, that it was a worthy touring motorcycle. I just hope I can make as reliable a restart as that Goldwing has in your care.
To be honest, I'm broke! Between unexpected summer costs -- and a local budget impasse between the county commission and school board that almost caused my last paycheck to be rubber (saved by a loan to the school system) and the next one rendered moot altogether, finally settled just today -- I'm still bikeless, at least in any rideable form.
I have made a cashless trade for a 1980 Honda CX500 Deluxe, which I had running within 48 yours of arrival on premises, and on which I made a single tour of my neighborhood. But, about the time I was beginning to make some progress diagnosing an engine noise, the starter motor and/or starter relay (or related electronics) went defunct, and the bike has just sat for two weeks now while I await some stable financials. The darned thing might have bad coils, bent valves, lousy plug wires, or need a new engine altogether -- but I'll never know until I can afford to spend some money replacing some parts in order to hear it run again.
So, it's looking more and more like it'll be spring before I actually get back on a bike to ride for real. (Sigh) My mechanical skills are getting better, though.
it seems im down to eating peanut butter and jelly to keep going its been hard for everyone ....today im going to pull nails out of some used lumber to use on my building icant take pics cause i dont have an operating camera.....

the silverwing probably dose need coils after thirty yrs ....the 83 dose .....along with carb rebuild ..its going to have to wait till i get funds for it .....i dont know much about silver wings .....but you can find out a lot by doing a compression test on the cylinders to see how close they are .....that sould tell you if a valve is bent .....

take some jumper cables and hook it to your car not running and hook the possitive cable right to the starter ....ground on the frame .....ground first ...bike in nueture and see if it will spin the starter .....id go ahead and take the plugs out first ......if it spins do a compression test ....if not then look into the possible likelyhood that the starter is the same as a goldwing ......im hoping it will spin .....i have no ideal if the valves are machanical or hydraulic but you can adjust the valves also and look for stuck valve too ......if the starter is shot you can put it in fifth gear and on the centerstand to turn the motor for valve adjustment....with the plugs out it sould turn easy .....it would be good to trey and figure out the motor noise without spending alot on parts if its possible to do .....

is the silverwing a dresser ......iguess so far you dont have money tied up in it so its a great project bike .....i will see if i can look up some info on the igniton system to see if its points or electronic it could be something like ballist resistor bad .... :mrgreen:
Hey Joe just read this post yeah i know its old . Ive just got done with an 82 gone naked and yes the standard it way faster than my 83 dressed . Now im having the trouble you had with the bike not running right but mine is the 82 the rightside just doesnt seem to be running right the leftside gets hot asap but the right takes a while but boy is it fast .
well britman it seems to me that when things get like this on a bike to me ....its not only the carbs its the ignition ...wings have the waited spark system ...thats a good name cause thats exactly what it dose it waists a spark on a cylinder thats not ready and the one that is ready can be compromised by the system not being equal and the ready cylinder gets a weak spark .....it might have been easy to manufacture but is was a waist in reliability there sould never be but one place for the spark to go .....its like the spark comes to a fork in the road and is suppose to go down each road equaly but in stead like one path better than the other then after warming and such finaly starts firing better ...runs fine on top because it just dont take much then ......

with this system you have to stay on top of everything past the wires that hook to the coils and down to the plugs .....coils that provide better spark and quality matchup to requirements and wires and ends that are totaly void of resisters and such that bring in more faults than pluses....

when i finaly got my 79 1000 ignition switched to dyna and dyna coils and wires and caps void of bs ......i can tell you it was like a new bike altogether ....1100s are diferent but there seems to be a lot of info and out thin air teck going on right now on auto coils and such that im gathering in myself on options to make 1100 system better.....right now the 1000 system modified to dyna is the best thing out there for wings...im actualy going to put a 1000 system on my 82 1100 with early 75 1000 cams installed to see what happens......the 1100 carbs are great carbs and your problem sounds more ignition related .....carbs could be in there to but i think the clylinder coming in after awhile is ignition mostly :mrgreen:
joedrum":1kp0yslw said:
well britman it seems to me that when things get like this on a bike to me ....its not only the carbs its the ignition ...wings have the waited spark system ...thats a good name cause thats exactly what it dose it waists a spark on a cylinder thats not ready and the one that is ready can be compromised by the system not being equal and the ready cylinder gets a weak spark .....it might have been easy to manufacture but is was a waist in reliability there sould never be but one place for the spark to go .....its like the spark comes to a fork in the road and is suppose to go down each road equaly but in stead like one path better than the other then after warming and such finaly starts firing better

Well written Joe.

The wasted spark is a crazy design, sparking on an exhaust stroke sheesh. What brainiack thought that one up.
The cylinder under compression and wet with fuel/air ready to fire needs more spark to fire that mixture, less than the cylinder in it's exhaust stroke. Guess which is the path of least resistance.
I believe that spark on exhaust accounts for a lot of the popping we hear in the exhaust if everything is not tuned exactly spot on....burning off unburned fuel.
you got that right dan its a little late to get any power out of the gas in the exhast stroke ....no telling how much more mpg we could get if it wasnt for this ignition system :mrgreen:

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