Pure propaganda being spewed as I post this now.

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Jun 12, 2010
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eastern Ohio
El Presidente. Is on his soap box with executive orders restricting guns and adding more background checks. Pure horse ****! :head bang:
A problem when they talk about gun deaths they include criminals shot by cops,gang to gang shootings as well as suicides, I would like to see the real figures broken down instead of a mish mash of numbers.
We are making him cry..we really need to act now.
Idiot referred to Chicago one of the most gun restricted places in the country as needing more background checks! What they need to do is quit using their police like fishermen that simply catch and release.
ALRIGHT BOYS & GIRLS I HATE POLITICS!!! :rant: That said; Love the way Trump is freaking the whole LYING BUNCH OUT! :smilie_happy: Both parties, as well as the liberal suckass press,are saying everything, & anything, & it's not working this time, :clapping: at least not yet. :hihihi: I'm old,sick, & busted up. :headscratch: Never thought after Ross Perot pussed out, that things would ever have a chance of getting better in my lifetime. :nea: Maybe just maybe I was wrong :shock: Sure hope so :beg:
I too am rooting for Trump. I was for Ross and Forbes but the party rejected both. I'm hopeful Trump cannot be ignored by the party.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=165672#p165672:2j1muekg said:
joedrum » Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:00 am[/url]":2j1muekg]
sickum randy ...go getum boy :smilie_happy:
Oh I'm watching Joe! As for Perot, my mother worked for him a short time and she said he's a psycho nut job.

Well boys, dumping the tea into the harbor, :roll: instead STEALING & USING it, :rocks: is sort of a psycho nut case thing, ain't it? :smilie_happy:GO TRUMP, tell em all kiss your but! :whistling:
Yep Barry Soetoro and more Gun Grabs ! every time we have a terrorist attack,,,his solution is to take more of our freedoms away..His Muslims brothers must be proud.. they have him working from the inside.also heard lots of Liberal Communist governors are pulling concealed gun permits in lots of states ..As if they have ever had a Law abiding citizen with a CC permit cause any of the recent shootings ? my Son in law is a LT Col and just got his ..now the state he is in will prolly pull it
He's not kidding. The ******* is deadly serious. Background checks for purchases online? Whoopee! You can buy online but they won't deliver it to you. It must be delivered to a dealer who will run the background check before allowing you to take it.Every place where gun ownership has risen crime has dropped. A fact democrats will never admit.
What are the rules about inherited handguns?


pardon the :0fftopic:

From Wikipedia Nevada gun laws
Registration of firearms[edit]
Nevada state law does not require the registration of firearms. However, handgun owners in Clark County must register (at no charge) their concealable firearms (essentially any firearm with a barrel 12" or less) at a law enforcement agency within an incorporated city of Clark County (this registration is informally called the 'Blue Card'). The ordinance provides a period of at least 60 days of residency in the county before registration of such a firearm is required, and a period of at least 72 hours for the registration of a pistol by a resident of the county upon transfer of title to the pistol to the resident by purchase, gift or any other transfer.[17]

Recent Update: Following the passage of SB 175, handgun registration (or registration of any kind), will no longer be required in Clark County or anywhere in the state of Nevada for handguns or longarms (which already did not require registration). Governor Brian Sandoval signed this bill into law on June 2, 2015.
The wife's brother lives in Pa. He told me, you MUST transfer their ownership, much like a car but with the law, & naturally some will have trouble when inheritance comes up. :fiddle:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=165720#p165720:38wct0us said:
Omega Man » Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:26 pm[/url]":38wct0us]
What are the rules about inherited handguns?

Good kweschun....
I have a shotgun that belonged to my Dad. LEGALLY, I'm not s'posed to own a firearm, tho I've had it for years now. It is registered to him....he bought in waaaay back when. I can remember him having that thing when I was prolly 4-5 years old. I ain't givin it up....I'll go back to jail first. :nea:
The gun is not registered and is old enough to not officially exist. Only a few states require registration and even then it isn't really kept up.
I will probly get the hammer for this,,, but they should have outlawed the ak47's ,, the automatics,,, years ago,,, I don't want to be in the woods with someone that has one,, or anywhere else.. part of a dysfunctional gov't. that cant get that done.. also I don't believe in the licensing deal,, people just paying for a right we already have,, and the ones that do,, ruining it for everyone else
Fully automatic weapons are outlawed. On the other hand military and law enforcement are allowed fully automatic guns. If one or more of these groups were sent to retrieve you and you've broken no laws. Wouldn't you feel better having one yourself? People have made false reports and swat has attacked on the basis of said reports without verification. I feel citizens should be just as well armed as law enforcement. Easier to carry a gun than a cop.

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