Pure propaganda being spewed as I post this now.

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Lot more hoops to jump through, & unbelievable increase in money, to play the class 3 machine gun dealers license game now. :cheeky: Few of my friends used to keep the license, so they could go shoot full auto's at different places, where you could go shoot on open & unused land. :rocks: That didn't seem to draw any attention, till someone started hearing the full auto's singing, :roll: then the law almost always showed up, in any place you would go. :hihihi: Would look at the paper work, all number's, go to cruser & talk to someone on the radio, often with another officer, keeping everyone company. :headscratch: Would give paper's, & weapon's back, & invite you to leave. :shock: :whistling:Must have got tired of dealing with guy's having fun :rant: :sensored:
Lived in the Co Springs in 92-93 met this guy at my favorite breakfast stop early everyday, First time i was sitting next to window right next to the parking lot...Looked to my right and a 50 cal was pointing at me LMAO he drives around all the time in his Jeep, Got to know him he invited me to his place ..My daughter has a AK 47 , 2nd Amendment was not wrote for Game hunting, And being Polish Auschwitz was a good lesson of what happens to Obedient gun law Citizens ..From my Cold Dead Hands is how mine will be surrendered..btw he is Jewish https://www.facebook.com/Dragonmans
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=165771#p165771:240krv7h said:
slabghost » January 6th, 2016, 7:40 pm[/url]":240krv7h]
Fully automatic weapons are outlawed. On the other hand military and law enforcement are allowed fully automatic guns. If one or more of these groups were sent to retrieve you and you've broken no laws. Wouldn't you feel better having one yourself? People have made false reports and swat has attacked on the basis of said reports without verification. I feel citizens should be just as well armed as law enforcement. Easier to carry a gun than a cop.
Me too ! My wife was stocked by some crazy **** when we first met 35 years ago, Found out real fast when this **** head found my place and was armed that I was gonna be the True First Responder, My friend was in my back yard by luck that day and before i opened the door he yelled over the fence , we were able to tackle him and beat the **** out of him and called the police, some how his gun was not found, Went to file at the Police Station and Nothing was done ? WTF they asked if any shots were fired ? Um no , We were too young to understand how to go around this Cop's ignorance and pursue , The cop said until some gets shot nothing he can do, ******* ******* ! Purchased a 38 special next day for the wife and went to shooting range so she could blast 50 rounds and be comfortable, me ? KG-9 Interdynamic 9mm 45 rounds Open bolt wink wink , they are all close bolt now ? wonder why..btw found him and where he lived 3 of us Stocked the ****** back never seen him again
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=166019#p166019:3ltpebot said:
joedrum » 23 minutes ago[/url]":3ltpebot]
a decent enlighted person has no connection to any ethnics what so ever comes in all colors ...same as the dark enlighted people do...
sorry bro, not meaning to offend , Just that Man is always Obsessed with Greed and power , please let us never trust Man again that this could never happen again , even back to the times of Christ the Romans enslaved man, just trying to keep recent History and my family is from Poland, peace G.Wlodarczk
True about ignorance knows no one race alone!!! :good: The word ****** refers to a type of person, :roll: not the color of his skin. :whistling:
Funny how saying the word ****** is okay in so much of the music today but it's still bad if a white guy says it.
Imo it's the black people keeping discrimination and racism alive.
BET (Black Entertainment Television) is okay but guess what would happen if someone started a channel WET, White Entertainment Television.

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