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Omega Man

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Sin City, Nevada
It's been raining for about 18 hours here in Nevada(did ya drown Dan?) and it's only stopped a couple hours ago. I **** you not, I hear leaf blowers roaring so I go out my front door and there are two landscapers standing next to each other combining the force of both there leaf blowers at max output to push 9 wet leaves from one end of the wet parking lot to the other...9 leaves.

You sure it's only 9, O-man? I think the law states it must be 10 or more to warrant use of a combustion engined blower.....

Hey...those guys gotta werk, too....I've seen them cutting grass and stuff in a downpour here. Iffin they don't show, they don't git paid. But yeah...two blowers for a handful of leaves is a bit silly. Yer lucky they dint unload the D9 Cat loader to pick them up..... :doh: :hihihi:
The pineapple express!..Been so long since I heard that I almost forgot about it, Hopefully wont stop, I`m sorry if you don't need it but we do.
I live in a mobile home park and I just have to laugh when my neighbors break out the gas blower when a broom and 10 minutes would sweep,contain and dispose of the whole area, ass holes just blow it into the streets where it ends up in someone elses yard,
Then there is another neighbor that instead of bending down once in awhile and pulling a weed or two waits till they are all over and fires up his gas wacker and starts flinging rocks everywhere..
Common sense is a rare thing these days.
They're all over the place here in Altadena, usually starting up at 6 or 7 AM. Pure laziness! Also, a good muffler can silence a 300HP engine - why do these little farts have to be so damn loud? I know the turbine and blowing air make noise, but why the loud exhaust? Once in a while is fine, but for hours, nearly every day, can make you crazy!
Idjits here try blowing the leaves against the wind! But what the heck the one neighbor got all her marble chips out of the garden this year and washed each chip by hand. One by one. These folks are too stupid to get a life.
EVERY day I'm around the gardeners with their damn lawnmowers, wackers and leaf blowers.
Ticks me off.....I want some quiet for lunch so I drive around finding a nice shade spot. Just as I break out the lunch and get comfy a gardener truck pulls up :head bang:

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