SCHOOL - 1957 vs. 2010

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Jan 8, 2010
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Saint Clair, Schuylkill co. PA 17970
SCHOOL - 1957 vs. 2010

Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.

1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.

2010 - Police called, arrests Johnny and Mark.. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it. Both children go to anger management programs for 3 months. School board hold meeting to implement bullying prevention programmes

Robbie won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

1957 - Robbie sent to office and given 6 of the best by the Principal. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2010 - Robbie given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADHD. Robbie's parents get fortnightly disability payments and School gets extra funding from government because Robbie has a disability.

Scenario :
Billy breaks a window in his neighbour's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.

1957 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2010 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. State psychologist tells Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison.

Scenario :
Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

1957 - Mark gets glass of water from Principal to take aspirin with.

2010 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario :
Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from Guy Fawkes, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a bull ant nest.

1957 - Ants die.

2010- Police & Anti-Terrorism Squad called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, investigate parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated. Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario :
Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary . Mary hugs him to comfort him.

1957 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2010 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

This should be sent to every e-mail address to show how stupid we have become!
It's a different country we live in now....and there is no way to go back. In several aspects of society that is a good thing, others not quite so good

US Population: 1957 171,984,130
2010 310,232,863 as of 7/1/2010

The politicians do what the population lets/wants them to do, or at least it used to be that way. We have become a very egocentric society and single issue voters for the most part. Probably nieve on my part but I still have faith that it will turn around someday.
I was gasing up this morning and this little kid was just given er on the horn while his mom put gas in. She never told him to stop just looked embarrassed and the kid kept blasting away.

My mom would have cuffed me so hard my ears would still be ringing LOL

Those days these days :help: :help: :help: :help: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
How many of you really believe that a spanking made the hard core behavior problems behave? I don't know about you folks, but the kids who got spanked at my school were the ones who got spanked all the time.

Things may or may not be better now than in 1957, but I have to call BS on most of the comparisons. Not everything has gotten worse. In fact, somethings get better. And, somethings just stay the same. Ever seen Blackboard Jungle. It was made in 1955. Think it was based on the future? No, it was based on the time period. There has always been trouble in schools and in society. We seem to think that it was just invented.

Here is one that is fact-In 1963, George Wallace symbolically blocked the door of the University of Alabama to keep two black students from entering. I think that is something that has improved dramatically.

My point-I get tired of seeing these romanticized visions of the "good ole days". The good ole days are right now.
Andyb":1d0ak2fi said:
How many of you really believe that a spanking made the hard core behavior problems behave? I don't know about you folks, but the kids who got spanked at my school were the ones who got spanked all the time.

And the ones who didn't are still laying on the horn at the gas station. How about you go home and raise your kids, and leave me alone to raise mine.

Andyb":1d0ak2fi said:
Here is one that is fact-In 1963, George Wallace symbolically blocked the door of the University of Alabama to keep two black students from entering. I think that is something that has improved dramatically.

I don't recall seeing the blackboard jungle. But I do believe in equality in that everyone should at least be welcome the same opportunity(s). And I know that I'm tired of being blamed for what happened to somebody elses grandparents in a generation before mine. If a man acts right, and does right, then he should be treated right. Period.

Andyb":1d0ak2fi said:
My point-I get tired of seeing these romanticized visions of the "good ole days". The good ole days are right now.

You can't stop people from haveing fond memories. I myself often wish I could go back and visit another time. I personally find the current world around me quite overwhelming and frustrating. And it seems to be getting worse.

Last year in the local paper I read about a homeless guy that got busted because he caught a fish out here in the creek, cooked it, and was about to eat it with a couple other homeless guys, when the fish & game cop happened upon them. Appearantly, that fish was more important than the nurishment of human beings. Now I can understand the need for laws, which are meaningless without enforcement. But when the letter of the law supersedes common sense, I start haveing a problem with that. I don't know, maybe it's a California thing, but I see the world around me get'n stupider and stupider as we go along. But what can I do about it? Vote for the best liar? :nea:
In my opinion, as a responsible, loveing, careing husband and father, making it against the law for me to spank my kids, ever, period, is just plain stupid and worth money to the court system.
scdmarx":38h6q4pf said:
Andyb":38h6q4pf said:
How many of you really believe that a spanking made the hard core behavior problems behave? I don't know about you folks, but the kids who got spanked at my school were the ones who got spanked all the time.

And the ones who didn't are still laying on the horn at the gas station. How about you go home and raise your kids, and leave me alone to raise mine.

Andyb":38h6q4pf said:
Here is one that is fact-In 1963, George Wallace symbolically blocked the door of the University of Alabama to keep two black students from entering. I think that is something that has improved dramatically.

I don't recall seeing the blackboard jungle. But I do believe in equality in that everyone should at least be welcome the same opportunity(s). And I know that I'm tired of being blamed for what happened to somebody elses grandparents in a generation before mine. If a man acts right, and does right, then he should be treated right. Period.

Andyb":38h6q4pf said:
My point-I get tired of seeing these romanticized visions of the "good ole days". The good ole days are right now.

You can't stop people from haveing fond memories. I myself often wish I could go back and visit another time. I personally find the current world around me quite overwhelming and frustrating. And it seems to be getting worse.

Last year in the local paper I read about a homeless guy that got busted because he caught a fish out here in the creek, cooked it, and was about to eat it with a couple other homeless guys, when the fish & game cop happened upon them. Appearantly, that fish was more important than the nurishment of human beings. Now I can understand the need for laws, which are meaningless without enforcement. But when the letter of the law supersedes common sense, I start haveing a problem with that. I don't know, maybe it's a California thing, but I see the world around me get'n stupider and stupider as we go along. But what can I do about it? Vote for the best liar? :nea:
In my opinion, as a responsible, loveing, careing husband and father, making it against the law for me to spank my kids, ever, period, is just plain stupid and worth money to the court system.

Is it really illegal to spank your children in your state? It is not in mine. School systems might be banned from corporal punishment, but I have not heard of a state that has made it illegal for a parent to spank a child. I never said a parent should not spank their child. My point was that the original post had a very simplistic view of the effectiveness of spanking. As though a child only ever needed to be spanked once and he would never misbehave in school again. That is hogwash.

Also, I did not accuse you or anyone else of racism. If you took it that way, I apologize. My point there was to note that some things, such as equality, have improved since 1957.

As far as the Fish and Game cop, well, sounds like he needs to get a grip. The fish was already dead and those people were trying to provide for themselves.
Well, I can't speak about the fifty's, being born in the early sixty's. All I know is that I received quite a few spankings as a child but very rarely for the same thing twice. ;)
I did not get spanked as a child. I got much worse. I got grounded. Spanking would have been preferable than weeks of being stuck in the house. I hated it.
this is always how it gose ....the other side of this is that gov has been stripping rights from parents and spanking them with fines force training of rediculus values that only promote discrimination against fathers as justified who are taught to think that they can punish there parents though the system of gov in sckools....

there is obviously no freedom from gov harassment penalties and fines to keep the egnorant and deceitful parisites in three peice suits.
Andyb":15e9vfr0 said:
Is it really illegal to spank your children in your state? It is not in mine. School systems might be banned from corporal punishment, but I have not heard of a state that has made it illegal for a parent to spank a child. I never said a parent should not spank their child. My point was that the original post had a very simplistic view of the effectiveness of spanking. As though a child only ever needed to be spanked once and he would never misbehave in school again. That is hogwash.

Everyone in the court system told me it is illegal while I was going through trial. Fact is, when I researched it, I found the written law and it is not illeagal, but it is worded in such a way that it is so vague it can be manipulated so easily by any social worker needing to build a case to justify their paycheck. And when that happens... guess who looks like the bad guy. Cost me a lot of money and frustration and nobody wanted to touch this case from my side of the fence. And once it got rolling it was like a runaway train. There was no stopping the nightmare. The threat was that my 3 kids would be placed in foster homes. Took us a year and a half to get through it, but it still ain't over yet. Our family structure has never been the same since. It all started 3 months after a spanking, out on the playground at school. My kid says to another kid, "no, I can't do that because my dad will spank me". That other kid told the teacher, the teacher called the cops, a cop went to my job and pulled me from my work. From there the runaway train took over. I think my biggest crime was admitting truthfully that I will spank my kids when I decide it's neccessary. My kids were never once through this entire ordeal examined by a medical doctor for marks or bruises, or any signs of abuse. My kids are husky, healthy, active, and have regular checkups. They all played soccer when they wanted to, they have hobbies and chores, rewards and cosequences. Almost every time my kids leave the house I hear a complement about how well mannored they are. Other people say they feel good about their kids being at our house. I've had 2 fathers tell me they see how my daughter dresses and acts, and they are glad their daughters are hanging out with my daughter. She's welcome at their house any time, no problem. People in our circle couldn't believe, of all people, WE were going through this child abuse merry-go-round. One thing is for sure, my kids will never see the inside of a public school again as long as I'm alive. 2 of my kids were held back a year because the "professional educators" determined they have learning disabilities. My daughter, a graduated home schooler, is now attending college in persuit of a career in dentistry. She wants to be a dentist - not an assistant.

Sorry for the rant. This subject makes my trigger finger itchy. I usually walk away from this conversation, but once in a blue moon I catch myself in the middle of it and...
My family was attacked and this is a very defensive button for me. I'm ok now. Wanna bite of my sammich?

Andyb":15e9vfr0 said:
Also, I did not accuse you or anyone else of racism. If you took it that way, I apologize. My point there was to note that some things, such as equality, have improved since 1957.

Sorry, I musta read that the wrong way. I do agree that there have been improvements.
If I may I think that we would all agree we live in very different times now as opposed to 1957. The original post was meant to be a whimsical look at those differences.

I also feel that maybe the post and some comments after were misinterpreted and we are off and running.

In my opinion and only my opinion I have agree with Joe that the suits have invaded all parts of our lives in the name of good gov't and all the other political mumbo jumbo they feed us. We really have become more of a police state than we really want to admit

I too had a minor incident with one of my kids and before I knew it I had three cops in front of me ready to take me down . Take me down hard. They were prepared to put me in the can for a night or 2. Once I convinced them to listen to the whole story and not go off half cocked on the heat of the moment comments made they backed away and said they had misunderstood but they were going to take me down with no thought as to what really happened. I had to threaten them with the harassment beef to get them to take a look at both sides.

Our kids are taught in school if your spanked call children's aid. The cops go right into the school and give lectures on child rights. This without consultation with the parents and also in the absence of the parents.

So yes many things have changed in all these years but not all of them for good or bad. But with keeping perspective of the nature of the original post. It was meant to give a smile. A moments relief from the rat race we live in.

Big brother is watching, He has been for awhile now and it will only get worse because in the not so distant future all the kids that have lived this way will be running things. It will be interesting to see how they deal with these issues.

And yes My mom would have cuffed me and on occasion did and I don't feel that I am some kind of phyco because of it but rather the opposite. I know the difference between right and wrong and that consequences for my actions will be my own responsibility. And if I so choose to break the law I will pay the price for my actions. That's the lesson I got for a cuff in the ear. No more No less

In Canada the law is no hands on contact. Period. And some of the cops enforcing these laws are only early 20's they are products of this insane system.

Anyway that's it from me but maybe just reread the original and try to take away the smile it was meant to give, not the misgivings it has generated because of the society we live in

Cheers Be safe all

This topic seemed to have swayed from the original light hearted because it can be and in my eyes IS a sensitive and heated subject about how we deal with our kids these days.

Myself I'm constantly concerned how I deal with my kids, even how I touch them because I've had my own dealings with child services which came about because of their "interpretation" of a essay my oldest wrote in school.
They picked out "keywords" from her essay what they consider to be indicative of child abuse.
Without warning a lady (describing her nicely) showed up at our door saying there had been a complaint of child abuse, that she was here to investigate and inspect the house, she wouldn't tell us where the complaint came from or ANY other details.
It wasn't until after all this were we contacted by the school and told what prompted the visit.

The ladies report to the school was that our household is "normal and of no concern". Ha! boy did I cringe when I heard we were "normal" in the opinion of a psychologist!
Surprised the hell out of me how easy our rights can be taken away!
Granted we could have denied her access to the house, I wasn't here at the time only my wife but she did call me when she found out.
Afterward I wondered what would have happened if we DID deny her access without a warrant, probably would have made it worse.
The point is the "system" our society has built has me quite literally scared how I deal with my own kids. Now I see it's not just in the U.S.

Except for THIS, there is both good and bad changes these days.
A lot of the bad is only known about because the information is delivered so much faster and easier to get today that it was 40 years ago.
Wow! I really feel for those who have had to endure the knee jerk reaction-ism, I thought my original post was more of "yeah! thats funny" sort of thing. I was spanked and turned out okay.....from my perspective...I don't spank my kids, I use restriction from the computer,cell phone, car and grounding.Seems effective. That being said sometimes they have pressed my buttons to the point where I have wanted to whip them within an inch......I didn't mean to incite, I don't consider myself racist, I am not an abuser, I apologize to those of you who have been victimized by the system. In the future I promise to be more considerate before posting something I find amusing. Sincerely, Patrick Donaldson :swoon:

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