Shifter seal and lever support install.

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
My Bike Models
1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
What a pita this was. I'll describe the process later, but here's some pics...and I ain't even finished yet....yeesh..😬

Otay...rested up overnight, and ready to continue.
I will start by saying, if you are planning on adding a shifter support like this to your GL1500/Valk, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT buy one of the cheap knock-offs!!!!! I did, and it bit me in the ass. Go ahead and spend the $$$ to get the original design pivot support with the teflon coated bronze bushing!!( Once I got mine all together and tightened up, the cheap, soft aluminuminum of this pivot bound up, and gouged the crap out of both the bore, and the pivot that rides in the bore. I had to use files and emory cloth to dress both up to get it to pivot smoothly again. It bound up bad enough I had to use a punch and hammer to get the dang thing apart. GET THE GOOD PART to start with!!!! Learn from my mistake. 🤬 :mad:
Here's the seal/shift lever location. Frame rail almost directly in front of them.

Along with the side covers, the lower shielding has to be removed. This one piece of shielding cannot be removed without removing the exhaust, as it is bolted TO the exhaust. The exhaust will HAVE to be removed to change the seal, but not if only installing the new shift pivot thingy.

Pic of seal/lever once everything is out of the way....

Lever that your foot shift lever attaches to. Without some sort of support, the lever moves in directions it shouldn't, causing the seal to leak.

Seal puller for small seals like this. Only way to get the seal out, really.

Puller in use.

New seal installed. This is the new shift support/pivot. The small red dot on the pivot is in line with the center of the shift shaft sticking out of the engine casing. This support keeps the lever from pulling/pushing up/down on the shaft as it comes out of the casing, which is what causes the seal to leak. This pivot simply allows the shaft lever to rotate the shift shaft, rather than move it up/down as it rotates. If you do not have floorboards, this is where the pivot would go, except I did not have the crash guard on it at the time. The crash guard will go behind this pivot.

This is how it all fits together with floorboards. Still need to trim the metal shielding that covers all of this stuff, and install all of that stuff back on. I had to cut about 1/2" or so off of the spacer there to make up for the thickness of the pivot support.

I'm headed back out to the garage to put the rest of it all back together.....are we havin FUN YET?!?

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Onward thru the fog.... 🤪 Got it all trimmed, and put back together, and made sure it all worked as it should. Here we go...

Exhaust shield needed some rearranging to clear the support, in the downshift mode.

Lower cover has to be trimmed/cut quite a bit to clear the support/pivot.

Left and right curve snips to do the cuts, then a Dremel with sandpaper roll to smooth it all out.

Final mock-up, and fitting with rubber cover, to make sure everything was clearing everything else..

Annnnd all done-done! 😁

Sure hope this helps out with the shift issues I've had lately(sometimes hard to get it all the way into 4th), as well as the annoying leak. 😎
I had planned on cleaning all the oily mess off the engine while I was doing this, but....I ran out of brake cleaner, and dint wanna stop and run to the parts house, so.....I'll eventually get it cleaned up. :rolleyes:
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Started the Green Weenie up for it's weekly wintertime firing, and checked to see if the new addition helped. Boy, did it!!! Quick, solid shifts up and down. No more slop in the shifter at all. Just hope my cheap-assed pivot purchase survives....we shall see. I' m happy with the improvement. 😃
I've removed shifter seals and the like by drilling pilot holes on both sides for long sheet metal screws then pulling & wiggling & cursing. Didn't even know there's a proper tool to do it.
Problem with that on the 1500 is the lower frame rail is directly in front of the shaft as it comes thru the case. No room! Barely enough room to get the lever on/off the shaft. I use the screw deal on many seal removals...just not possible in this case. The "special" puller works perfect, and takes far less time. 😁
Finally got a chance to ride the Green Weenie today! Weather gave me a break. Shifts are soooooooo much mo bettah now!!! Solid, no slop, and about 1/2" or so of free play gone! Support thingy works very well. I recommend it to anyone with a's money well spent. 🤠
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance
That's a nice, professional shop like the dealer I used to work for back in the day.
This is the shed I have for myself, reflects the declining state of a aging brain once frequently subjected to tequila shots and various substances en vouge at the time.
I've thought about a GL1500 but a Suzuki 1400 was just adopted so I'm out of space for now.
You know two bottles of Nitrous could be hidden in those big saddlebags.
Not for me....I prefer to get to my destination and BACK.🤣 I would scatter the engine in minutes with nitrous...🤕
If it was my only GW nah I wouldn't do that but for a rat bagger trunk deleted experiment it would be fun to troll the Hayabusatards 😉
Lots of power there to be had.
Raising the R P M's to 7,000 would be a good start.
Then turbo, with nitrous, might just do the job
That shifter mod is great, it sure helped mine.
Been around for way over ten years
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