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Classic Goldwings

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i to have a building duster ..its so steep here i couldnt push the bike to it ... :BigGrin: ok ive learned some things about car altinators

they can spin either way ,, the fans are directional ... they make bi direction fan you can buy

car alt are set up to come on at a certain rpm.... one or 2 wire there even a 3 wire set up

for a oldwing ..if you have a one wire altinator ...if you hook it up with the ignition switch hot wire added in on the one wire set up will start charging as soon as motor starts turning ...and bypasses the certain rpm before charging starts ...this will be the way i hook that up when i get to it ....i am also glad i have chioce to face altinator either way ...

suppose to get one today maybe one wire altinator thinking i might drop the added tensoner idea i look at things sort of thinking now ill make the altinator itself the tensoner set up on the fly or just have great set up to tighten belt .....and of course the honda puller fan would have to go to be center mounted ....

im looking at a very small altinator pulley set up sure ill have to make my own like the crank pulley...that could only be good as it will fit tighter space ...

now out to finish motor install :builder: :thanks:

this is left side pulley pic....


right pic ..the radiator has not moved this is all stock mounting there ...looks like a belt will load maybe its close very pleased except for the scratches i made yesterday dropping the bike twice while puttng motor in ... im glad no video was around .lots of dumb moves i made :doh: ....but the outcome is nice so far to me :builder: :thanks:
well it looks like there is charging going on ...only change was over last set up and bad stator is 1980 1100 reg-rec is being used ......

so the stator jpwinger sent me from a 1000 is charging well in the 1200 motor ... thanks rather done with the honda puller fan is in the way of the altinator conversion along with everything else it causes problems doing ....i also have to get a proper length crank bolt im going to take radiator off now to have access there ...and see about pusher fan to get ......things looking great..... :builder: :thanks:
it dose do great job just looking for info to change it it wont do alt change some have done this ... nned fan to us as in thicknest ... being stock mounted id say it will do fine on the bike ....ive bleed many times from its posstion screwing with if any knows the right one to use please post
Since this seems to be a nifty mod, perhaps the key points could be put in a different topic with a title easier to find. I know in 3.643 years I will want to do this and not find it.
ok thanks duster ..... my plan is all coming together ....the last part of my mod will be rigging a totally adjustable electric heat for the shovleking SCC manifold set up i have on hooch ....they make 12 volt heat tape .....heat tape is a resitor or controled short ....heat is not needed very much .. and most systems pushed are 24-7 heat to manifold ...i can tell you this would not be good ... might be good all the time on a epa carb you cant adjust ...but talk about a bandaid fix ..thats it for sure... in my opinion ....once i modded the dft till it could be dial in ... it was obvious to me what the biggest problem was in epa dft carb working good is you cant adjust the idle circuit and off idle circuit... witch is most of the riding one dose also made it clear a cool dry charge is the best charge as in power ..there a reason they make intercoolers for turbos and superchargers ...power more power ..plain and simple ... and on occasions humidity and coolnest but mostly humidity is the deal can causes icing i dont want to be put into sub par running at times so electric heat will be my mod for icing occasions ..not a 24-7 setup i know will hurt you more than help you as far as running my opinion im thinking a dial termostat for the heat for total control of heat ... having switch that totally shuts the stator off as the bike stator will power this any other car alt mod stator just spin ...a plug in rig maybe where bike could plug into outside 12 volt set up to be hot before even trying to start ... all sounds ambitious im sure ...its the way i play ...all comments welcome :builder: :thanks:

well radiator off .. bike passed charging test ...going to take crank bolt off to get new longer one ....also stock fan is not going back on and a pusher fan will be put on outside of radiator... things going great ....the gap in the timing cover represents the totall stroke increase over 1000 and 1100 motors ... like 5/16" each side


a shot of the carb tower i got on hooch ...also nice look at upside down thermostat :hihihi: did well that way ... :builder: :thanks:
When I did my 1000, I used one of these two bolts:

I was replacing them to mount my alternator bracket and they were the perfect length to fit the new pulley. I don't know if the 1000 is a different size, but I believe it was an M10 x 1.25, and none of the hardware stores around me had the length I needed.

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