
Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
waco, texas
ok here's the thing. last saturday i was riding from a toy run,on my 75 wing, coming from meridian texas back to waco texas, and traveling at 70 mph no problem however when i turned to throttle to pick up speed to pass i got that sound like a 4bbl just opened on a 327 chevy and didn't seem to gain speed. the carbs are off of a 81 gl1100 and work great at low speeds up to 70mph but seems to bog down when turning throttle. anyone got any ideas before it decide to buy new rebuilt carbs?
Prolly will wind up being a carb problem, but check the basics first. Check the fuel filter.
Might also be some weird ignition issue, too. Others with more knowledge will chime in. :laptop:
If they work fine up to 70 mph as you say. I doubt it's a carburetor issue. It may be fuel flow due to constricted fuel lines or a dodgy pump or possibly a partially plugged fuel filter. At what rpm does it go flat? It may be points floating if you have that style ignition or possibly low voltage to the coils. Have you been running ATF or injector cleaner in the fuel occasionally? I'd change out the points first as it may be they simply have weak springs. Be sure the timing is spot on.
try running with the gas cap loose the tank vent could be cloged.....it is true that the 1100 carbs are good and work well at lower rpm and would fall out at higher rpm....but at 70mph in fifth gear i dont think so .....do what slabghosht said and run ATF or injection cleaner in the gas .....the 75 1000 has the most aggressive cam than all the wings and the carbs are bigger than the 1100 carbs....75 carbs are the biggest four clylinder wing carbs .....

im fixing to put 75 cams in my 1100 to see what happens .....the carbs on my bike are perfect so it sould be clear to see the effect it will have the ignition is also very good .....

there could be something else causing the problem :mrgreen:
:hi: On my 80 I had that problem this past summer :fiddle: ...found the output side of the plastic fule filter had collapsed causing limited flow :swoon: and would not take much throttle once it got to a point. :beg: .. if i stayed below that point i could cruse at highway speed except then i tried to pull a hill :sensored: ......Hope your problrm is that simple GOOD LUCK Bob
thanks everyone i am glad that it maybe as simple as fuel flow. i will check the whole fuel system out and let everyone know as soon as i know. i don't have points any longer i have dyna electrionic ign now.
rock42":19j11m6y said:
thanks everyone i am glad that it maybe as simple as fuel flow. i will check the whole fuel system out and let everyone know as soon as i know. i don't have points any longer i have dyna electrionic ign now.
Easiest check might fix it. Replace the fuel lines and filter. If that doesn't cure the problem check the air filter. If still no joy you may need to check your float levels.

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