Speedo Cable

Classic Goldwings

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Duncanville, Texas
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Some one answer me this.... :roll:
Mt speedo cable growls...I've taken the inner cable out, cleaned, and lubed it. No improvement, so I s'pose it's the outer cable/housing that needs to be replaced...no big "Whooop" there, right? Here's my real question...my speedo needle itself bounces around quite a bit, but here's the strange part...if I loosen the cable nut, so the cable is loose a little from the speedo head, the growl goes away, but the needle bounces really bad. When I tighten the cable to the speedo head, the cable growls really bad, BUT the needle stays steady. Whazzupwiddat? It's driving me nutz(and I'm close to that as it is)....
This same issue was also happening before I swapped the speedo out earlier this summer, so I'm fairly sure it ain't the speedo itself, but the growl has just gotten worse. It's extremely audible, and you can actually FEEL it thru the bars....
Any ideas on WHY the thing works the way it does? I know I gotta replce the cable, I'm just curious as to why WITH the noise, the needle is steady, but WITHOUT the noise, the needle bounces... :head bang:
Might be a bend of the cable or housing at or near the top causing it to rub one spot. Or maybe the housing is a little off center to the speedo when tight? Try getting the top 6" of the cable housing straight. That may reduce or eliminate the problem.
Hi Joel,
I have the same problem as far as the growl goes...I have not tried to loosen the nut at the speedo to see if the needle bounces....

I am going to a new complete cable and housing to see if that solves the growl....

I do have a bouncing needle on the tach though. It goes away at higher revs...hmmm
Mine did this just this week. I leaned up and over and felt the cable and it was vibrating also. This is a brand new cable. Stopped at store bought some chain and cable lube shot some down in the top and it seems to have fixed mine.
I've moved my cable around to several different locations, trying to get different angles of approach with no change. I think the cable housing itself just has a worn spot in it, and that is causing the noise. I have tried different types of lubrication methods/products, and so far, none have made any difference. I will replace the cable, but it still bugs the heck out of me that it doesn't howl when it is loose but the speedo bounces, but with it tight and howling, the speedo is steady.
I did spray some lube on the drive bushing on the speedo when I installed it not too long ago....
Well folks, I attacked my speedo howl problem from all angles...I replaced the cable with a new one...no change. I pulled the speedo head turned it upside down and oiled the cable socket as well as I dared without having it run into the face of the speedo...re-installed it and voila! no noises...
I think it's fixed...
Brian in NM
I am following the same process. the last time I went for a ride the speedo cable broke at the wheel then about half way through that 150 mile ride the tack quit. I habe both cables new from the honda deler but am unable to install at this time as the prostrate quit at the same time :crying: :crying: :rant: :ahem: which will be worked on this Saterday and will have to test drive for a few weeks before I can ger to other jobs :read: :read: :read: :heat: :ahem:

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