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well it dose seem as though the tom carb is unavailable right now ...and the type 4 center section too ...this don't sound to good bang all at once not available ...well there are still remanufacture carbs out there ...funny how all the sudden nothing available deal sheesh ...
I think he will still have them. It's just that some money grubbers go out and stake claims on a domain name that is already being used. If they forget that it's due date is coming, the money grubber gets a claim of using the site name, which they will gladly sell back at a price. It's legal sh!t. He will probably be back with a new site or a different ending.
[url= said:
ekvh » Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:08 am[/url]":2alapfu8]
I think he will still have them. It's just that some money grubbers go out and stake claims on a domain name that is already being used. If they forget that it's due date is coming, the money grubber gets a claim of using the site name, which they will gladly sell back at a price. It's legal sh!t. He will probably be back with a new site or a different ending.
I thought that was illegal. I remember some guy bought a bunch of domain names like Coca and such in the early days of the interwebz but he lost a court case and the right to sell them to folks like Coca Cola.

You are probably right, but they might still be doing it hoping others will settle in the place of a court case. Seems ridiculous. Maybe Tom just has to renew his site. Please note I write like I know what I'm talking about,.....but I don't. I'm just another guy writing what he thinks on the internet.
IIRC there is like a 90 day waiting period before someone else can buy an expired domain name. Gives the original owner time to straighten out his error, if he wants to.

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