Tom must not have renewed his domain and a scalper has usurped it. Does anyone have his phone number or a new web address?
I thought that was illegal. I remember some guy bought a bunch of domain names like Coca and such in the early days of the interwebz but he lost a court case and the right to sell them to folks like Coca Cola.[url= said:ekvh » Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:08 am[/url]":2alapfu8]
I think he will still have them. It's just that some money grubbers go out and stake claims on a domain name that is already being used. If they forget that it's due date is coming, the money grubber gets a claim of using the site name, which they will gladly sell back at a price. It's legal sh!t. He will probably be back with a new site or a different ending.