the wall just got 10 feet higher..Trump quotes..

Classic Goldwings

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He just might be the real deal, :smilie_happy: & is as sick of the ******** as we are. :hihihi:
Up here in Democrat Meca New England ..they hate Hillary...and can't stand Bernie..Was in a Pub where most the people are staunch Dems, and the Big screen TV was on and Hillary was spouting more lies . Heard couple known Dems say No way we are voting for her, had to ask ? "they all know i am conservative" (I) so i ask then who ya gonna vote for ? ..They said Trump ! Bout fell off my stool lol ..after loosing their Jobs, Homes, Healthcare for 8 years i think their a$$holes are sore lol..Hard to watch Government controlled TV and see them Pick our POTUS again ! Think they are in Deep **** this time unless they Put More Black panthers at the polls or Hide Military Absentee Ballets for our conservative Military .. and all their other Dirty Rat ******* tricks along with Dead people voting 10 times . Myself **** it I will Pull the lever for Trump even if he has been a Democrat all these years, Reagan was a Democrat also most his life ..Could Trump be any Worse than the Fraud Barry Soetoro AKA the Muslim POTUS What a ******* Fleecing of America !! Also good for Mitch Mcconnel The Rhino had the balls to hold off the Supreme court nomination..Shock ! Candy A$$ sissy Republican ..End of Rant LOL :cheeky: :BigGrin:
The ******* New York **** head Chuck (Shmuckhole) Shumer, said the same thing, for someone with 18 months left . :whistling:
Glad Trump is all over the Muslim thing, Jimmy Carter Democrat Pres was much harder on Immigrants than any ******** the Leftwing Moonbats accuse Trump on saying ! > JIMMY CARTER
The White House,
November 26, 1979.

In December of that year, a U.S. Appeals Court allowed the deportation of the 7,000 Iranian students who were found to have visa violations. About 15,000 Iranians were told to leave the United States.

In addition, Iranians entering the United States were forced to submit to extra border screening, and many Iranians’ existing visas were cancelled. On April 7, 1980, Carter directed:

Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly. ... nians-u-s/
Big **** sandwich boy's, :evil: & EVERYBODY'S gonna hafta take a bite, :roll: when the bill comes due. :rant: