Thinking of mary jane

Classic Goldwings

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May 25, 2013
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Ardmore Ok.
I was just thinking about pot/mary jane/grass/columbian gold/grunge/thai sticks and the like and how it has become kinda normal, sorta like beer and I know I will be asked to sign a petition or vote on legislation to legalize it in my stae sometime in the near future.
I am no angel, I did smoke some buds for many a year from 15 until I was 25 years old..Many great memories and fine times were logged but when I started to really be on my own I had to work hard and any free moments were not spent in a daze, In my free time had to take care of the lawn,pool,go grocery shopping,fix the car ect. and be fresh for monday but I couldnt be stoned to do it so I eventually gave up on the green stuff and if anything stuck to beer, I found I could think and do with brew.
I dont know if everyone fades out on pot, I know I did and every one of my friends did and if this is true then legalizing it I feel I would be stifiling many young folks from becoming productive.
Kinda torn here...I see some friends from the old days that still smoke and they are preoccupied with getting/smoking pot and although skilled they use their talents less often.
I know my vote wont account for much but I do feel a responsibility if only a little. I see these young kids today and wonder if that is not what my elders were not seeing when I was young, or are we really in peril.
Your vote your choice of course. I share the roadways and work with folks who are naturally slow and lazy idiots. Compounding the issue with chemicals of any kind to me is just crazy. I don't know of a single prescription drug that doesn't come with a laundry list of possible side effects and warning not to drive or operate machinery. Yet it seems almost everyone old enough to have a license is on some sort of medication. Some say pot is the "natural" choice even though it is one of the most heavily fertilized crops known. More often than not it also has the most pesticides used on it. I think fermented beverages are the most natural of choices myself. I do like to indulge in beer and wine but I don't pretend I can drive a car or ride a motorcycle when doing so. How many "accidents" could be prevented if every driver was chemical free when behind the wheel? I can't begin to guess.
hmmmm ....well I must say ... I can not drink beer and I can not ever touch hard stuff ... it would surely kill me quick ... I to be honest I havnt drank a beer since the meet and greet we had here ...I can drink it in a once in while thing ... like maybe once a yr .....but I also know of people who struggle with pot smoking or better put don't smoke pot cause it effects them in a way that isn't good for them ....

as a person who life is balancing on a razor edge 100% of the time to stay alive and have a life worth living ... I had to give up things most consider mandatory to live ... when the complete opposite is true for me ..... as in the post above ... if I walked the way of the medical and chemical companies that are not in the vote your talking about ... there would be no hooch ..there would be drumming .... and I would be long since dead as a doornail .... so in opinion there is no comparison in my eyes what the worst thing out there ... but there will never be referendum to get this stuff out of our lifes ....and I don't advocate that ....

there are many like me that would never go and seek western medicine in any form what so ever ... never I mean never ... and the worst thing to me that's going on is this absolute welfare to gov ... to insurance companies....and to hospitals ... and the total loss of control of your condition by gov ... in a way ... my belief in the medical community cause catastrophic harm to my life ... so where is voices like mine considered no where that's where ....

to put it bluntly ... I don't think any of us are smart enough ...I don how big your paper trail is ... can make decisions that everyone fits through a eye of a needle and call it freedom of choice ... paper dosnt make gods in ant way what so ever ...I will make my decisions for me and let others make theres ...
I never got into pot so this thread is pretty meaningless to me except that I do feel everyone should have freedom of choice and if it helps 'tolerate' a disease than it should be ok just as medical drugs are ok, which is where the debate is in reality. If they can't control it, they won't allow it.
Good points...It really is something that is benificial to some I know and want those who need it to have it but when we tried that what happened were that a bunch of cheap doctors show up and write everyone a prescription so that really didnt work.
Then there is the dark side, the smuggling,robberies, people getting killed over it, That will continue even if it is legalized, maybe even more so.
The prescription drug indstry is the worst I know, They alway try to put something out there to cure something regardless of side effects, everone seems to need something to cope these days.
But it seems you cant stop pot, they say it is still coming over the border in tons, even grown on goverment land here in the state and elswhere in the US.
I was flipping the stations around and landed on the show 2-1/2 men and they were taking bong hits for crying out loud. I just dont want to feel responsible for creating a generation of laid back slackers and the funds needed to support them when they cant or wont find work.
Just one of the many pickles America has gotten into.
I agree with all things brought up here ... and I beleave if we all spent a yr trying to find the answer we still be right here as we are today ... with out a clue what would work ...hmmmmm
I stayed high from my early teens into my mid 20's. I grew up with pot as a social cocktail. But I burned out on it and got to the point that I really didn't enjoy it anymore, I was only smoking it because where ever I went people were shoving a lit joint in my face and it was just a part of life.
For the past few years now I've been dealing with pain that renders me pretty much useless. I friend of mine one day wanted me to try it and smoked a little with me. Within 2 minutes all my pain was gone. I couldn't drive home, but I wasn't in pain. Through daily use, I have learned to regulate preferred dosages to manage pain without getting too stoned dysfunctional. I now use a vaporizer more often than smoking because it's easier on my throat, etc. I am also getting more involved in making edibles because I like the way they medicate different than smoking. Just a matter of preference. As for chemicals, I am growing my own meds organically, including fertilizers and pest control. I am legal in a medical state. Yes, getting a card from a MMJ doctor is a joke for the most part. But my personal opinion is that cannabis should be every bit as legal as the wine industry, and dispensaries should be socially accepted every bit as much as micro breweries. I don't see a problem with putting an age requirement (18 or 21) just like tobacco and alcohol. Cannabis is unmeasurably safer than either of those substances.
[url= said:
scdmarx » Tue May 13, 2014 11:26 am[/url]":ad17zaz3]
I stayed high from my early teens into my mid 20's. I grew up with pot as a social cocktail. But I burned out on it and got to the point that I really didn't enjoy it anymore, I was only smoking it because where ever I went people were shoving a lit joint in my face and it was just a part of life.
For the past few years now I've been dealing with pain that renders me pretty much useless. I friend of mine one day wanted me to try it and smoked a little with me. Within 2 minutes all my pain was gone. I couldn't drive home, but I wasn't in pain. Through daily use, I have learned to regulate preferred dosages to manage pain without getting too stoned dysfunctional. I now use a vaporizer more often than smoking because it's easier on my throat, etc. I am also getting more involved in making edibles because I like the way they medicate different than smoking. Just a matter of preference. As for chemicals, I am growing my own meds organically, including fertilizers and pest control. I am legal in a medical state. Yes, getting a card from a MMJ doctor is a joke for the most part. But my personal opinion is that cannabis should be every bit as legal as the wine industry, and dispensaries should be socially accepted every bit as much as micro breweries. I don't see a problem with putting an age requirement (18 or 21) just like tobacco and alcohol. Cannabis is unmeasurably safer than either of those substances.
This is true, we live in a country now where even the most minor affliction is blown into full blown disability, It used to be we would plow through depression, aches and pains but now it seems we have become a country addicted to drugs either prescription or natural.
I too have thought about trying pot again. It has been decades since I last smoked it, I have degenerative disc disease and the doctor has given me Norco for the pain but I seldom use it because of the side effects. Thinking of it because now it has moved to my neck as well and is getting unmanageable. Just the idea of going to my doctor and asking for a pot prescription sort of feels weird, if they would even agree to such a request. If the opportunity presents itself..I`ll be singing "Don't Bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me".
[url= said:
zman » Tue May 13, 2014 12:21 pm[/url]":1z693tjk]
Not everything works the same, or as well, for everyone. All I can say is try a little. If it helps, you know what you gotta do.
It's not a magical cure all, but I think it's better for me than all that crap the doctor had me taking. Really, the side effects? I get a little hungry and I get a little sleepy. There is no threat of addiction or overdose, it doesn't eat holes in my stomach or damage my liver. Unlike the pills that were prescribed for pain or the booze I was washing them down with.
I think it's different for me now than it was when I was a kid. Maybe because I'm using it for a different reason now? I want to get relief from pain, not party and get stoned. I'm not the "tommy chong" stoner that I was in the 60's & 70's. Not much different than taking an aspirin for a headache these days.
I honestly believe the dangers of marijuana is government hype. And keeping it illegal funds organizations at several levels. What do you think would happen if we removed the shady back alley black market atmosphere that people have to enter into just to obtain medicinal plant matter? There might be a lot of drug runners out of work. It would interrupt cash flow to cartels who would have to find other ways to buy political power. Law enforcement would have to beef up their parking meter scams to make up for lost revenue, etc.
I swam in alcohol & lived in a cloud of smoke till age 36. Grew my own for 13 years & put a lot of christmas presents under the tree with the proceeds Then I grew up. Haven't touched the stuff in 25 years.
I don't have a problem with legalizing pot. Especially for medicinal purposes. I think the Gub'mnt has inforced pot laws for so long that they fail to realize that they ****** up by not making it available for folks who need it for chemo side affects & other medical problems.

Who knows it may someday be like the gub'ment lotteries. Remember for years how they were against them? That is until they realized how much tax money it generates. Now they can't get enough of it. Same could work for pot, Just has it has for lotterys, Alcohol. tobacco etc.

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