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Omega Man

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Sin City, Nevada
As everyone knows MSN is an extreme left fringe news outlet. For this very reason I often read the leftist spin put on every story. I couldn't wait to read the story and comments re: Iranian ballistic missile test. It's not even on MSN, probably because Obama isn't interested in sanctions trying to help the Iranian President save face because he was warned not to do any kind of deal with the US by the Khomeini.

WTF is going on? Why does he want us to be destroyed so badly? I know he wrote a bunch of stuff about how horrible America is and **** about colonialism.

Any Obama worshipers out there? Please help me to understand why he does the things he does.

Not only the missile test but they also fired a missile towards one of our aircraft carriers in the straits of hormuz just a few days ago.,,pretty simple, they want to be the dominant force in the middle east, maybe they want to reclaim the persian empire.
I don't trust any of the "news" broadcasters anymore! MSNBC, CNN, Faux News...none of them are unbiased anymore. We need Huntly/Brinkley, or Walter Cronkite. **** Limbaugh and all those clowns, too!

I'm not an Obama worshipper, but I prefer him over the Bush/Cheney war-profiteering criminals that they are.

We need to stay the hell out of everyone's business! Let the Middle East fight their own wars! They hate each other...always have...always will! No more money to Iran, Iraq, Israel, or anyone else! Let's fix our own problems here, and if someone really, sincerely needs our help, then help them.
News never was unbiased.Just unchallenged. Even with Huntly, Brinkly, Baba Wawa and the rest of the old chimers.
yep steve83 is spot on .....time to quit kissing israel and switzerland ***** ...and take our economy from the federal reserve terrorist of the world ...i see it as savory ..the worst ever in history ...we have a privately own bank....that somehow has the right over all people on earth to levy a debt or better put a temple tax to the elite scum of the world ...and it appears not enough for them they levy debt on the unborn ...and to make things worst is just banking toilet paper back by nothing of value what so ever ....our politicians protect and cater to the scums first over the people a strait up scam of the highest of godless thinking ......i personally can not respect any of this makes the statement of america the land of the free a joke to all ...but the people who own the federal reserve period....what do they pay for this privilege absolutely nothing .....and they own everything ..why they just print the toilet paper and buy it ..we americans have to labor for the toilet paper ...complete easy to see economic crime thats been going on since 1913 ...

all this bull **** about countries that are a threat to america is just infomercial of lies to keep off the fact that our biggest enemy to americans for the past 100yrs these scounge life people of the federal reserve bank as i see it ....its a foreign bank ...the irs is the foreign debt collector ...we cant help anyone till we fix our own country from the worst people humanity has to offer
china been here longer than america ...and before the global crap league of nations first then united nations later ....america was isolation and the strongest economy ever in history ...since the federal reserve infected this country america has never made one penny and is now ...according to these federal reserve bank more detb than rest of the world combined ...there are two countries with no debt is switzerland and one is we need to be giving israel or any other nation anyrthing
oh so that single paper not back by any facts is truth ...simply just not true ...i will say iceland sure knows how the deal with the central banking ...they put them in prison ...

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