total ********, but expected...

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[url= said:
joedrum » Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:57 am[/url]":92sckv2d]
no im not going to scour the internet to prove me right ....even if i did ..most would probably say the info is bad ....

Took 8 seconds to find my source.

Yes V, I think they sold every once of our gold.
many European and Pacific Rim countries benefited from our military strength since WW2, the fact we had their back enabled them to put their money to economic growth and social services while we had to keep our military strong though the cold war, The United.Nations is useless and it is up to the U.S to come to the rescue for disasters,investigations,food aid,curing epidemics,fighting aggression.
Whats the first thing you hear from leaders and citizens interviewed after an event.."WE NEED THE U.S ASSISTANCE".
I'm all for assisting those who need it. When a natural disaster strikes, most nations do what they can to help. Most of the Middle East hates us because we keep trying to force our way of life down their throats. Maybe they don't want to be Christians, or Democrats, or Republicans, or Capitalists - there's your total ********!! How sweet the world would be without religion, politics, or money!

Imagine the amazing things that could have been done with the trillion plus dollars that we spent on the Iraq war alone!! We should have an east-to-west coast high speed rail system, improved interstate highways, flood control, homeless shelters, etc... We need to take care of our own, first and foremost. Basic healthcare, education, and housing should be available to any and all. Defense is absolutely important, but if we don't have healthy, happy, intelligent, and productive citizens, there's nothing worth defending.
[url= said:
Steve83 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:07 pm[/url]":26vw0s1g]
I'm all for assisting those who need it. When a natural disaster strikes, most nations do what they can to help. Most of the Middle East hates us because we keep trying to force our way of life down their throats. Maybe they don't want to be Christians, or Democrats, or Republicans, or Capitalists - there's your total ********!! How sweet the world would be without religion, politics, or money!

Imagine the amazing things that could have been done with the trillion plus dollars that we spent on the Iraq war alone!! We should have an east-to-west coast high speed rail system, improved interstate highways, flood control, homeless shelters, etc... We need to take care of our own, first and foremost. Basic healthcare, education, and housing should be available to any and all. Defense is absolutely important, but if we don't have healthy, happy, intelligent, and productive citizens, there's nothing worth defending.
Have you even met your neighbors??
I have met most of my neighbors, and, with one exception, they have all been very decent, caring folks. The exception is a middle-aged white guy, who inherited a bunch of money. He claims that he "owns the neighborhood" and can do whatever he wants. A total *******. We all just ignore him, take care of ourselves, and all is good.
[url= said:
Steve83 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:07 pm[/url]":280c5f2o]
Most of the Middle East hates us because we keep trying to force our way of life down their throats. Maybe they don't want to be Christians, or Democrats, or Republicans, or Capitalists - there's your total ********!!

They really need to stop sending mixed messages. The Arab spring in Iran is just one example, many of the people in the middle east are tired of MUSLIM oppression. Hell, women in Saudi Arabia can vote and hold office now. Not a bad thing.

[url= said:
Steve83 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:07 pm[/url]":280c5f2o]
How sweet the world would be without religion, politics, or money!

No religion? No religion is anarchy. All of our best most important laws come right from the worlds religions. Anarchists really crack me up, they are so in love with the idea. Do ya think they would love fighting for food and shelter, rape gangs and oppression the likes of which this world hasn't seen in a very long time?

No politics? Politics are simply "who gets what when," I'm not sure how we could do away with them.

No money? So professionals like doctors, scientists, and executives are going to work for the same compensations as ditch diggers? Oops, there's those pesky politics. Hmmm?

[url= said:
Steve83 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:07 pm[/url]":280c5f2o]
Imagine the amazing things that could have been done with the trillion plus dollars that we spent on the Iraq war alone!!

Ah, the Iraq war... The only war any liberal ever mentions "that republican war." Funny how they always gloss over the fact that just about ever member in Congress believed the bad intel. Actually the above statement could and should be said about every war. But war is humanities most enduring legacy. It's been with us since the beginning. People say we are above the animal kingdom because we are civilized, however most animal species don't make war. I say most because lions and hyenas do a pretty good facsimile of war.

[url= said:
Steve83 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:07 pm[/url]":280c5f2o]
We should have an east-to-west coast high speed rail system, improved interstate highways, flood control, homeless shelters, etc... We need to take care of our own, first and foremost. Basic healthcare, education, and housing should be available to any and all.

I'm going to stop here. This was kind of fun at first but now it just saddens me. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and was taught to think just like this. It's all feel good **** that liberals rub conservative noses in.

Thank God I got out of there and found out "I" matter too. Peace. :rocks:

Why is no religion anarchy? More wars have been fought, and more people have died because of religion. You can still have leadership and laws without religion. Sure, there would still be fighting and wars...there will always be greed, selfishness, and lust for power, but most of the fighting in the world today is because of religious differences. Kill the Muslims! Death to Christians! Eliminate the Jews! Sound familiar?

I'm not suggesting we eliminate religion, money, or politics - it's not gonna happen. It's just a nice fantasy.

I'm neither liberal or conservative. I have a very open mind, and can see good and bad in both sides. I do believe that BASIC healthcare, education, and housing should be accessible to all. Anything beyond that...the luxuries in life, should be earned.
Basic health care, Education, and Housing. Means a lot of different things.
Healthcare today is better living through chemistry in the mainstream. But it is also herbal medicine. Holistic medicine. Naturopathy.Along with many others. Each of which should be available to all.

Basic education is reading, writing, and arithmetic. All the other crap mandated in public screwels is indoctrination to a belief system that should be up to the parents and neighborhood.

Housing can be nearly any form of shelter. A one room shack will do for singles and newly married if they can tolerate it.

Basics are just that. Beyond the basics put on your big boy pants and work on it.
Your so focused on working to succeed, :roll: & doing for yourself!!! :cheeky: Just ***** up the whole day, :hihihi: & your too tired to have a good time, after a real day of work. :Doh2: NOT the way anymore, WORK that is :smilie_happy:
[url= said:
slabghost » Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:23 am[/url]":3w39tytn]
Basic health care, Education, and Housing. Means a lot of different things.
Healthcare today is better living through chemistry in the mainstream. But it is also herbal medicine. Holistic medicine. Naturopathy.Along with many others. Each of which should be available to all.

Basic education is reading, writing, and arithmetic. All the other crap mandated in public screwels is indoctrination to a belief system that should be up to the parents and neighborhood.

Housing can be nearly any form of shelter. A one room shack will do for singles and newly married if they can tolerate it.

Basics are just that. Beyond the basics put on your big boy pants and work on it.
That's exactly what I'm saying. If you have the basics, you can survive just fine. The rest is up to you, and determined by how much effort you're willing to put out. Those who are truly unable to provide for themselves should receive assistance. The rest of us should take care of ourselves, and our own.

"Life is like a sewer...what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!" - Tom Lehrer
[url= said:
Steve83 » Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:17 am[/url]":3nts3n3j]
[url= said:
slabghost » Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:23 am[/url]":3nts3n3j]
Basic health care, Education, and Housing. Means a lot of different things.
Healthcare today is better living through chemistry in the mainstream. But it is also herbal medicine. Holistic medicine. Naturopathy.Along with many others. Each of which should be available to all.

Basic education is reading, writing, and arithmetic. All the other crap mandated in public screwels is indoctrination to a belief system that should be up to the parents and neighborhood.

Housing can be nearly any form of shelter. A one room shack will do for singles and newly married if they can tolerate it.

Basics are just that. Beyond the basics put on your big boy pants and work on it.
That's exactly what I'm saying. If you have the basics, you can survive just fine. The rest is up to you, and determined by how much effort you're willing to put out. Those who are truly unable to provide for themselves should receive assistance. The rest of us should take care of ourselves, and our own.

"Life is like a sewer...what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!" - Tom Lehrer

Both of these statements are more in line with what I feel, however people's views of what "basic" means vary wildly.

" I do believe that BASIC healthcare, education, and housing should be accessible to all." :clapping:

A good start, but it doesn't include an area that would make life much easier for everyone - compulsory classes in ETHICS. A very slippery subject, but ethical behavior provides a solid framework for living well with others. Different culture have different ideas of ethical behavior, but to me, it boils down to what is right (benefits the individual and society) and what is wrong (may benefit the individual or society but not both).

People our ages learned what we know about ethics through the school of hard knocks, our parents, religion, or parochial schools. I believe public grade schools should have a mandatory ethical behavior class because most young people don't know what behavior is right or right. Some schools offer "civics" but that is often another word for "government", which we have too much of.

I said it was slippery, but to me, ethical behavior can consist of seeing a bike and rider beside the road and stopping to see if they need help, giving what you can to charitable organizations, paying your fair share of taxes, etc.

The soap box is open.
"No religion? No religion is anarchy." Anarchy is defined as absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal; or a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority. Not something I want to experience.

Box is open
when country sells its people to a private bank of foreign people in economic savory as america has more than a 100yrs ago make no difference about single issues ...past that there is no good to ever happen plain and simple... i am a believer in jesus and will never kiss ass to what he rejected....its not a ethnic thing ...its a rejection of a way one thinks period ...i walk in the foot steps of jesus and have been rejected by most in life not a Judaeo christian ...there is no jew before me and christ deceived the christian religion has become ...just like america has from the founding fathers ....
Want to read what Jesus actually said, then the lost gospel of Thomas is right up OUR alley. :yes: Wonderful reading found in those lost gospel's, with Thomas's writings, being just what Jesus said. :good: Which when you really study, it is very likely the OLDEST gospel ever written, things mentioned here pre dates ALL the others, :read: the Gnostic gospels were just unacceptable with controlling the masses. :sensored: Who needs a priest, bishop, cardinal,pope,Etc, when you have a hot line to god yourself? :whistling: CAN"T have that!!! :nea:When you take the mystical part away you lose the true meaning of god :Doh2: Had abandoned religion for my own way which i thought was a better way. Turns out my way, was not counter to HIS teachings, but the same things he taught! :good: I NEVER left what he taught, but was there the whole time. :party:
interesting denver ...i know all that stuff to heart ...the bible was put together some 1500 yrs after jesus is completely corrupted ...we are closer in time to it than jesus was three times over ...when jesus said come out of her ...he meant the church a whore that sales her body ...the church sales salvation and enternal life mangod can do that ....there just whores as jesus said ....and only sale a moments thrill that leads to nothing fruitful what so ever ....

im not trying to turn this into a religous thing ...but our country has become nothing different than a whore also and follows the same path ....absolutely nothing fruitful at all our system of this country ...all fruit goes to the whores of life plain and simple to me my opinion ...all the infomercials on tv and internet is done to throw dirt in the eyes of people so they cant see clearly what happening to them ....same as any organized religion ...there all full of it our governments story of the truths

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