Two more cops killed by Blacks...

Classic Goldwings

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Yea, this is getting out of hand ,needs to come to a conclusion..The rumors and falsehoods that are causing much of this are going unchallenged and perpetuated by top officials in the media and government.
First off where is the headline, "two white cops killed by black assailant", that seems to be the standard practice for headlines when it happens the other way around.
So far in the last year I have seen one cop arrested for murder and it looks like he did it, The latest one in Philly looks like negligence and a lack of caring for the prisoner, may be manslaughter there but not murder.
But I do know what is causing the unrest..It is a police force that that is being used to add cash to the city coffers, if you took a population that is harassed with parking tickets,court fees, having their cars towed and impounded and held for hundreds of dollars(that many cant afford), if you did not have cops tackling a suspect after they have stopped and raised their hands, or yanked them our of their cars and did a 4 man pile on this kind of anger wouldn't be brewing.
A city that is largely dependant on the government for their needs rather then a city/state where a fella can find a job and have no excuse to deal drugs or rob another instead we make it harder for companies and business to exist.
In the last 30 years there has been a notable shift towards aggression in policing and now the populations that has seen much of it has had enough, not so much the shootings of unarmed suspects but for the whole of it all.
I have seen suspects running then they have a moment of clarity and stop with their hands up, then you see a cop i full NFL mode take him down to the concrete and plant their face into it, not at the moment but many seconds later.
I have also seen car chase suspects give up, put their hands out the window, follow every order given then when the cop gets to the suspect yank him down to the ground and 4 cops pile on his back each one yelling different order so much so you couldn't make out what anyone is saying.
I have seen dogs go in and bite a suspect while the cops yell "don't move" Now you tell me who can remain calm and not move while an animal is biting into your flesh.
Don't get me wrong, some of the criminals are so bad I don't mind seeing them tackled , piles on, arms and legs dislocated, a few teeth knocked out bloody nose, but they use the same tactic for a teen, or a woman or just anyone they arrest and that is the problem, every arrest where a person flinches or acts as humans sometimes do it is down to the ground and a pile on even if they are cuffed and not a threat.
If these things had happened in a climate of prosperity in employment and decency towards humans by law enforcement they would have never happened.
I could go on but maybe should write a book instead, got a lot of answers no one will listen to.
spot on ....when you have problems it always the ones with the biggest hammers and there willingness to use them who are the guilty....pure mathematics ....when the people who have the power are the least accountable breeds police state and nothing to do with a free society
This is also aggravated by the current trend of supporting the irresponsible and stupid hurray for me screw you fucktards we see everywhere today. I'm sick of it all.
They have been preaching this WHITE GUILT HORSESHIT, we have to do something to help these people way too long. Lincoln was gonna send em back, after he saw the fair & equatable way the American Indians were treated by the white race. Meanwhile they turn the jungle loose onto our street's, then encouraging us all to see the view of victimization, of the poor black's, & they wonder where all the anger comes from? The white's had to give up good paying job's to these poor people unqualified black's because the test's were too tuff for them to pass. How do i know this is true? Happened to me,i passed the apprenticeship test it was supposed to weed the dumber people out, 80%, of all who took it failed, all the black's failed. No calculator, they were very expensive, had to show your work, as how you arrived at the math problem solutions. Recieved a letter saying i was accepted into the apprenticeship program,will contact you shortly as where you will be working. Then the results of racial bias horseshit to keep the poor black's out is not fair, came into play.Never got my job,some poor dumb black kid did. Now the plumbing on the nuclear reactor's leake, the quality of everything is ****, cars have recalls, buildings fall apart, you tell me why both sides are upset.Back when there was separate but equal? The black's owned the stores, grocery,drug, & quote ****** town, employed young black kid's, taught, & EMPLOYED their own.Now arab owns the stores, but live somewhere else.Who is better off, the blacks? The whites?
If ya Own the Media You Always Win ! Martin Luther King was a Republican, Abraham Lincoln built the Republican party on freedom of Slaves, And The Liberal Media Will Refuse to ever touch any of this History , Or teach it in Public Government Education !! Or Flat out rewrite it Out of Text books in Public schools. BUT ! This Would Make Any Black Liberals Heads Expolode If they Knew the Real Hypocrisy of the Muslims Black folks past ! The First Legal Slave Owner Was a Black Man !! Bet You will Never see this On Gobment Controlled Opposition TV, ... was-black/
well this is great post 1 it proves slaves were here under the rule of england ...blacks should express there anger to england ..america didnt even exist ..2 not one american anything ever went to africa and loaded up slaves to be bought here and sold ever ..3 relatively speaking less than 5% of amerricans born here ever owned slaves ...slaves were very expensive like owning a rolls royce...4 even though i have farmed ive never grown cotton 5 personally ive never met a black in my life thats ever picked cotton ...6 its a crime in my view that forced education teaches lies to incite race conflict in the streets 7 this is all done to hide the fact that oportunity in this country is actually snatched away from all citizens like whites have it any better 8 the federal reserve should be arrested and imprisoned till death as they inflict slavery to all ..and education and news of no truth at all is all controlled by these worthless scums and is the big reason there is conflict in the streets of this once great country that is now infected by cancer scum life of the federal reserve bankers .....the today slave masters my opinion
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Dan Filipi
sheesh mean to tell me this thread got locked up ... this was a huge and super post fstsix posted inflames me when other think truth needs to be locked up or censored....this is flat out proof the a lot of so called credited info is pure bull **** ...and should be exposed as that my
i shouldnt have typed censored ...locked up and censored are two different things ....bad choice of word in my post ....but i sure think they have been beating a dead horse now forever with this misinfo on racisum me its the 1%ters who are the racist of today ..and racist against all people but them....
So many believe racism is only in the WHITE race. :roll: They are the POOR MINORITY, :crying: & their hatred is justified :good: & the white guilt is not near enough. :nea:
Back when I was kid segregation had just been dropped. KKK had gone underground pretty much. People took more pride in being American than in race or family origin. We had actually started to see everyone as equal. Then some genius started the crap we need to be proud of our heritage. What a great idea! Let's all live in the past instead of moving ahead. Instead of the black against white trouble just past we now have the german americans against the spanish americans against the black, chinese, japanese,korean ,greek, italian, etc. etc. adnauseum. We've really come together now. NOT!!! And 7 years of rule under our whining divider in chief has really pronounced the effects of these ideas.
Things are right on schedule, the dumbing down of America is well under way, :roll: lower the bar so that everybody passes the test's, :evil: no dumb kids, & no failing grades. :hihihi:
[url= said:
Denver » 20 minutes ago[/url]":3gs7bvud]
We be talkin ebonic's now? :headscratch:
If you ax me, I think we is.
Nawt zackly ebonics. Dey tawks like dis onna juj show no matter whut culur dey is. Gits funny with a spanish accent!

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