Weekend mod report

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
My Bike Models
1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
So...yesterday, I installed a cooling fan switch, so I can turn the fan on anytime I want/need to. The ride in this morning proved that it was a GREAT improvement! :yahoo: Temp gauge never even got close to the half-way mark while in traffic. Normally, in traffic, even on cooler days as we have now, the gauge would climb to well over half-way...as in half-way from mid-point to HOT. So I'm very pleased with that. :BigGrin: It was super foggy here this AM, so I spended a LOT of time in stop/go traffic... :rant:

Second thing I did yesterday was to install a different speedo, going to one that read to 140mph instead of the 85mph the stock gauge had. I was concerned about it not being calibrated correctly for my '81, but....best I can tell, if it is off, it's only by 1-2mph. I was able to tell by comparing the rpm to mph, plus, at one point I was along side of a car with with a digital readout I could see, and it was almost exactly the same speed as I was showing on the speedo. And, even better, the speedo is nice and steady, no flopping up/down, and no more noise! :yahoo:

Now...on a sadder note....I left the house aboot 15 minutes earlier than normal, and got aboot 10 miles down the road, and looked down to see I had no fuel. Dadgummit!! It was at that time that I also realized I had forgot my friggin wallet at the house. :Doh2:
Had to make a turnaround and go back home, get my wallet, and then get fuel. That 15 minute early start, and the heavy fog made me 45 minutes late getting to werk... :blush:
And...just to add a wee but more frustration to my morning commute, the dang zipper on my NEW balaclava broke....in the down position....arrrrgh!!
Glad it all worked out.
I did something like that once but didn't catch it until she sputtered, switched it to reserve and evidently sucked up a little crap. I had to change my fuel filter soon after.

Hmmm, commuting in the fog on a bike, very courageous.

Wearing a balaclava already, dang how cold was it up there in Duncanville?
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162333#p162333:2xbo91jh said:
sledge » Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:14 pm[/url]":2xbo91jh]
just one question ..... what the heck is a Balaclave ???? :smilie_happy:

Take a look and see!

Terry....it's been in the mid/low 50s here for the past couple o weeks. At 80mph, that's like....20 below... :mrgreen: Can't afford to get sick if I can help it, and keepin me punkin haid warm helps delay the inevitable.... :yes:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162344#p162344:263gnefw said:
AApple » 2 minutes ago[/url]":263gnefw]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162333#p162333:263gnefw said:
sledge » Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:14 pm[/url]":263gnefw]
just one question ..... what the heck is a Balaclave ???? :smilie_happy:

Take a look and see!

Terry....it's been in the mid/low 50s here for the past couple o weeks. At 80mph, that's like....20 below... :mrgreen: Can't afford to get sick if I can help it, and keepin me punkin haid warm helps delay the inevitable.... :yes:

I see, yep 50 ish at speed can be chilly. I guess like wifey says: I'm just hot blooded, I don't breakout that gear until we get pretty cold.
Well...a few days in, and the fan control switch has kept the coolant temp well below the 1/2 mark on the gauge at all times. Since installing and using the switch, the coolant temp has rarely even gotten to halfway between cold and half point. I'm super pleased with it...sure wished I had done this a loooong time ago. It might have kept the head from cracking.
Still blowing steam out the right tailpipe on startup when hot, but still no coolant in the oil, or oil in the coolant. Only loosing a very small amount of coolant during the week....maybe 1/2 pint or less. I'm riding it until the weather gets too cold, then I'll hafta bust it down and do some repairs. One of the carbs has decided to act stoopid at idle when starting, but it clears up in a minute or so. It just never ends, eh? :BigGrin:
i imagine at idle the cylinder that is leaking coolant in at the piston seal is bringing in enough coolant to disturb idle and sealing up better once hotter ....yep head gaskets ...if your going to blow one this is where you want it to be ..so it still rides
Not a head gasket this time, Joe. Not getting any mixing of coolant/oil....just steaming out the right side exhaust, and ONLY after riding either to/from work(50 miles one way). Shut it down, let it sit for just a couple of minutes, fire it up, and steam city happens for about 15-20 seconds, then it stops. Also have coolant spitting out past the bad exhaust gasket on the right front cylinder for just a few seconds on hot startup. I think it has a crack in the exhaust port past the valve. Either way, heads gotta come off, but I need to find/purchase a GOOD set of heads to have when I get ready to rip into this turd. :builder: :good:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162550#p162550:1zu0vxok said:
AApple » Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:51 pm[/url]":1zu0vxok]
Not a head gasket this time, Joe. Not getting any mixing of coolant/oil....just steaming out the right side exhaust, and ONLY after riding either to/from work(50 miles one way). Shut it down, let it sit for just a couple of minutes, fire it up, and steam city happens for about 15-20 seconds, then it stops. Also have coolant spitting out past the bad exhaust gasket on the right front cylinder for just a few seconds on hot startup. I think it has a crack in the exhaust port past the valve. Either way, heads gotta come off, but I need to find/purchase a GOOD set of heads to have when I get ready to rip into this turd. :builder: :good:

https://www.ebay.com/itm/1975-1976-1977- ... LN&vxp=mtr
:BigGrin: :whistling:

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