We may still be 50, 100 years until it diminishes, I am always fascinated by the wording of stories..things like "black girl falls off scooter"..OK, why not "Girl falls off scooter"??, I can see an identification if your putting out an APB, an Amber alert or something where the identity is crucial but It always degenerates into what race a person is.
People white black and in between have been railroaded by law enforcement and it still continues. There were 5 black youths convicted in the mid 70`s about a girl dead in central park. You may know this story but through questioning or better to say Interrogation they fingered each other and themselves while being deprived of sleep,food and an attorney. They were called the "central park5" maybe,I cant recall the case.
In or around the same time there were 4 white guys in Kentucky, maybe the Carolinas cant remember they were newly enlisted in the military there and a girl was found dead in the city where they had been that night and just like the New York 5 they were taken in and deprived of sleep,food and drink and constantly questioned till one just cracked and confessed just so it would be over..He didn't do it but all they had to do was get one weak mind to crack and it ended with them all being convicted, I don't recall if they were all eventually freed but they still spend 2 some decades in prison for something none had anything to do with, one may still be in prison because he confessed under duress.
The point is , Injustice knows no race but to hear it on the streets it is an all out war on black courtesy of the reverend`s and now politicians and celebrities.
Another point is each state bears responsibility for it`s tactics and competence in investigations but the department of justice sleeps at the wheel while the states are allowed to use tactics that would make the N. Koreans proud.
Until we come together and realize we are all being screwed regardless of race we will never be strong enough to change anything, keeping us bickering and angry is good business in politics..
Maybe i`m wrong but thats how I see it.