what weight oil?

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2010
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Hey friends,

Just wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions and help in days past while I was working through bike problems.
I'd like some suggestions here on what weight oil to run for my August trip from Arizona to NY and back a month later. I currently use Mobil1 15W-40 with a quart of Lucas Synthetic Oil Stabilizer and I think it's great so far. But I did notice that Amsoil makes a straight 60 oil for bikes and was wondering if that would be too thick? Remember I'll be chugging down the interstates at whatever the speed limits are so it'll be all highway most of the trip and it'll be hot weather.
What's your advise ???? Thanks in advance. Joe
wow.....ya know what? Since I started with the Lucas the starter has been spinning but not kicking out every so often. Wonder if that's why it's been acting that way?
Do you think I should discontinue the use of the Lucas?
The Lucas additive may be adding something to the oil not wet clutch friendly. I can't say for certain. You might want to contact them directly.
I don't know what that stabilizer does.
If it thickens the oil then I'd try running without it and like slabghost said, it might not be wet clutch friendly.
Basically anything that makes the oil more slippery will affect the clutch.
I tried all sorts of additives and thickeners trying to locate an engine knock.
Some of them made the clutch slip quite badly and really messed with the starter clutch making it spin free.
joecool":1tw3xd39 said:
Hey friends,

Just wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions and help in days past while I was working through bike problems.
I'd like some suggestions here on what weight oil to run for my August trip from Arizona to NY and back a month later. I currently use Mobil1 15W-40 with a quart of Lucas Synthetic Oil Stabilizer and I think it's great so far. But I did notice that Amsoil makes a straight 60 oil for bikes and was wondering if that would be too thick? Remember I'll be chugging down the interstates at whatever the speed limits are so it'll be all highway most of the trip and it'll be hot weather.
What's your advise ???? Thanks in advance. Joe

If it was me, I'd stick with the oil you're useing, but I'd ditch anything with the name "Lucas" attatched to it.

Highway speeds ain't bad, it's gonna be when you stop in traffic that you'll discover everything you didn't know about cooling systems. I lived in Phoenix for a year. No mercy in the summer time!
Highway speeds is where you'll discover everything you didn't know about tires!
scdmarx":17tgk5d7 said:
I lived in Phoenix for a year. No mercy in the summer time!
Ron, what oil did you use in those temps?

I have been using 10W40 (per the manual for my local temps) and I can say that the engine runs flawlessly and quietly, no starter clutch slip and temps have never gone above 1/2 on the gauge even in summer traffic (98 degrees and 98% humidity.)

It is amazing, last oil change I ran the bike out on a 100 mile run and as soon as I pulled into the garage I dropped the oil. At that engine temp....it came out like water!! 10 minutes later, it was thickening up again.
20-50 wt. I was riding a Sturgis at the time.
I had moved there from Iowa in a 68 chevy pick up with a 327 and turbo 400. That's where I learned about cooling systems. That 7lb. radiator cap wasn't doing much good. The 16lb cap was a little better, but I ended up with a 22lb. cap after all. New hoses, new clamps, a fan shroud AND an electric pusher fan.

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