Winter projects

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
Plymouth, IL
My windshield is showing some signs of wear...very fine scratches and abrasions from years of being "sand blasted" by the various things blowing around during the course of daily riding. There is nothing major but it is enough to where if the sun hits it just right, the light diffuses and makes it hard to see. I was thinking about using ultra fine sandpaper to try to clean it up but I'm not sure if that would work or make matters worse. Anybody attempted this or have any better suggestions?
if it has cracks from stress that are into the glass sandpaper will not help but if the glass is hazie with surface scratches then " kit " scratch remover ( in a yellow bottle ) will help
I use a product called "Plexus" that I bought at the Honda dealer (can also get it elsewhere) and it is specific for these types of windshields to do exactly what you are trying to do. First clean the windshield with warm soapy water to get the road grease and bugs off, completely dry it and spray this stuff on. Wipe with a clean clothe (not paper towels!) and then buff. Your windshield should be practically chrystal clear afterward. (At least mine is!)
I have had good luck with a product called PlastX mde by Meguiars.

When I got my wing, it had a three inch scar across the center of the windshield. It looked like someone swiped the corner of a cardboard box across it. I hadn’t noticed the rest of the windshield was hazed until I had finished the application but not only was the scar gone, the rest of the windshield looked like new.

Rub it in just like a wax but don’t let it dry, you want to buff it off immediately otherwise it takes a second application to remove the film. To keep it from drying, I work about a 1/4 of the windshield vertically at a time.

Good luck with your's.
I need to clean mine up, too...time for a trip over to Pep-Gurls to see if they have the Meguire's stuff. :beg:
Plexis doesn't remove scratches it just covers them. For scratches you want to use Novos polishing compound, it's made for motorcycle and other similar windshields. It comes in three or four different grits and with it and some elbow grease it will work wonders with that old shield. then use the Plexis to keep it looking good. Plexis also helps repel rainwater and bugs clean off easier.

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