Wiring Question

Classic Goldwings

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Sep 10, 2016
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Has anyone replaced all the wiring on there GoldWing? I have a 83 gl1100 that im building into a cafe bike. I really want to take out all the wiring and start from scratch ( it looks old and is rooting in some places).....but im really really scared. This is my first GoldWing so im not as familiar with them. If anyone has any info that might help that would be great. Like maybe things I can get rid of, or things I need to keep. My goal is to run the minimum, headlights, turn signals, ignition....things like that. (I wont have heated seats or grips...lol), just the basics. Thanks in advance.

Welcome to tha Club Bro. I have, BUT Im a electrician by trade with 50 years experience. Its not a job for a novice . The wiring materials on these OleWings was top notch when new and holds up well with age. Tha worse problems come from shoddy work done to it over its life time. Best to label everything, label everything,label everthing before you unplug/cut anything.Eliminate tha biggest bird nest's first (tha fairing nest ) its usually enuff wire in there to do a hotel and most of it is zip cord or speaker wire,wire&tube ect. label everthing . .farings ,Its usually a lot :BigGrin: once yer down to tha essentials and have a good working harness you got a pattern for tha new one you dont need :BigGrin:
I am in the process of re-building my '82 harness. I have pulled all the tape off and I am going wire by wire. My bike was a Standard so the wiring is already pretty basic. As a matter of fact, it is actually very basic and other than a few minor wires for self cancelling turn signals, there really isn't much extra in the standard harness.

Interstate harness has much more to deal with.


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