Full voltage to the coils at startup...is an interesting idea. :headscratch: :yes: in other words, bypass the ballast resistor. Can't see that the ignitors or coils would be harmed with only a few seconds of full voltage. Would be interesting to bypass the BR with a jumper and see if the engine springs to life with more enthusiasm on a cold start.[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=186248#p186248:1uy16psv said:PurpleGL1200I » Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:33 am[/url]":1uy16psv]
Sunday morning idle thoughts:
Just ordered a package of 5 relays and sockets off the internet.
Plan A is to ground the headlight relay through the neutral switch so the headlight is off when you're in neutral.
Another thought is to have a coil relay that is powered by the starter button so you have full power (12V) at the coils when starting.
Not sure about switching lights off when in neutral because I usually shift to neutral when sitting at a red light. But maybe same relay as above could turn lights off on startup.
If you try these please let us know how it worked. :good: