wounded winger rides

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 8, 2009
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chuluota florida
i was able to finally mount my bike this morning ....i almost fell to the ground but didnt ... once on i was going to ride .....went about 50miles plus id say....only big problem i had was downshifting ...couldnt hardly get my foot on top of gear shifter without hurting rather bad ...just puttered around mostly to the point that three other bikes caught me at a stop sign on a back road ending in a major hi way but still out in country ...one 1800 and two dressed harleys.....i took off and the 1800 was going to run by me and the harleys went hard to....well wounded and all i wasnt going to let poky riding up till then look bad for hooch .....i went after it and instantly left the 1800 witch was not quite up to me as i went first ..... when i hit second gear hooches front wheel left the ground and hooch really took off ....idint stay in it long but it was a three gear blast ....this is usually a 100mph thing or close ...i was looking in the mirror ..to me it look like the 1800 was parked .....well wounded like i am i back off to about 50 before they the 1800 caught up.....the guys eyes were like deer in the headlight deal....i was back to poking and was hurting some or quite a bit really from the blast off i did ....the harley guys passed after the 1800 did they were normal looking .....but i cant get over the look of the 1800 guy....obviously he trounced some oldwings before ....

it made my last week and a 1/2 as ive have not been able to get on bike at all ....i tried several times since i went down with a bout of lyme disease im still down ....

sure this means nothing to most but its a huge fight with me ...getting on bike and riding is winning a round in the never ending fight :music: the look of the 1800 rider was worth all the pain of getting off bike again and im safe at home now :thanks:
duster my story a long one .....no one believes the stories of the victims .....ive quit talking about it mostly ...most all are just blinded by the lies and cover up as facts and truth .....i did say in the post i have lyme disease ....since i got it decades ago its went from it dosnt exist to not long ago on national tv news that there is 300 different types of lyme disease witch both statements are lies .....that all im going to say....i dont want to start anything as it helps nothing on what i deal with .....i just hope to get over it soon its been rough couple weeks
glad to hear your getting out Joe , last winter I painted a Mural on a Lady Friends Teardrop here in my Garage , she has Lyme's disease also , and has had it for something like 10 years she said . and has times when it really gives her a hard time . sure glad to hear your getting better my friend . . . Rock On Joe ! :music:
Lyme disease can be deadly if not treated, it attacks the liver, dog's get it from ticks, my dog died of it she had no natural defence to it, most people have a defence but like all things not everyone can fend it off. I hope the worst is over Joe. I know it takes a while to recover fully. But the antibiotics they gave you are very good but you have to finish the treatment. Get better soon friend will be thinking of you.

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