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Classic Goldwings

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  1. scdmarx

    oil filter

    I know you can see the obvious differences from one extreme to the other, like comparing the Fram side by side with the Honda or K&N filter. But there are a lot of other things to consider other than the basic assembly. Like the filter medium, for one. More pleats equates to more surface area...
  2. scdmarx

    oil filter

    Totally lacking - waaaaaay too little information, other than how nice a filter looks when you cut it open. So........what, did you adapt your wing to a spin on filter?
  3. scdmarx

    Gas price, OUCH! ("Gas" thread merged with this one)

    Public transportation here is a bad joke, at best. It would take me 4 hours to ride a bus 5 miles to work, and the buses stopped running before I got off work, that's the reason I couldn't take the bus. Here, if you don't drive, you just don't go. We have no choice but to consume heavily taxed...
  4. scdmarx

    hi from Germany

    Welcome from California. I was stationed in Wakerneim/Mainze in 1974-75. Right up the river from Biebesheim. Fun Times! :music: :party: :party: :Egyptian: :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  5. scdmarx

    sticking back brake

    Also make sure the brake pedal lever itself is fully returning.
  6. scdmarx

    rear tire

    I had the same problem and solution with my 82.
  7. scdmarx

    Pulstar spark plugs- 12% more horsepower guaranteed. BS or worth a shot?

    How do you get a bigger spark with no increase in heat? Pulse Plug Technology goes OEM links me to a big white blank page that says "pageok." The flame kernel growth video would result in some bigass pinging without some serious engine mods. :cheeky:
  8. scdmarx

    Did you know...?

    Not necessarily. It might be a nice way of calling you a dick.
  9. scdmarx

    What are you WATCHING right now?

    I think it needs a set of glow plugs. :smilie_happy:
  10. scdmarx

    Imagine on a bike

    ??????....did somebody die on a scale? Just wondering how this could happen. Would be interesting to know how this was discovered. I've never heard it before. Have you ever lifted a dead body? For some reason they seem nearly twice as heavy as a live one. But I've never actually weighed anyone...
  11. scdmarx

    Another Blonde Meets St. Peter

    Credit/Debit EBT Club PayPal
  12. scdmarx

    Another Blonde Meets St. Peter

    Boy, you'd think by now they'd have an automated system in place at the front gate. :doh:
  13. scdmarx

    Getting ready too replace timing belts

    Don't be skeerd. Everything you need is all here. viewtopic.php?f=74&t=2101 gallery/image_page.php?album_id=1152&image_id=11550 gallery/image_page.php?album_id=1152&image_id=11563 viewtopic.php?f=11&t=258 ... stment.pdf :moped: :party: :moped:
  14. scdmarx

    When I die...

    Why not? Everyone already thinks I'm a pain in the ass.
  15. scdmarx

    1980 GL 1100 fuel injection

    Verrrrrry intrestink! :builder: :popcorn:
  16. scdmarx

    alternator conversion on an 1986 goldwing

    I ain't gonna push ****! :head bang:
  17. scdmarx

    37.5 mpg, mostly Tollway and freeway miles.

    Exactly. I'll bet he's right there in the ballpark. On my 83 @55 it would seem like I'd get almost an extra gallon of gas.:moped:
  18. scdmarx

    Charity begins at home....or not...

    :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
  19. scdmarx

    white out

    When I lived in the midwest they would impound your car for driving in such conditions.
  20. scdmarx

    Removing a broken bolt.. well, the end of the process at least!

    Good job! What counts for success is when the bolt is out. :Egyptian: The closer you are able to drill dead center, the closer you are to success. :clapping: I try not to use the extractors at all. The best plan is like you described, stepping up in drill bit size until you can pull thin...