'76 CP1000 Copper Wing

Classic Goldwings

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Thanks for the advice guys, I'm going for it!

I started out this morning making a tray out of the brass kick plate I picked up at the scrap yard.

First, I made a cardboard template of the bottom.

then traced it out.

I folded it up and used copper rivets to hold it together. A little bit of strapping to hang it, and I have a box!

I drilled and tapped a 3/16 piece of flat stock to mount my starter solenoid and ignition coils (for shorter wiring and easier access).

And here's a side view. Nice and open.

[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162326#p162326:28v7izxz said:
dan filipi » Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:00 am[/url]":28v7izxz]
Nice fit on the tray.
What's the plan for the old battery space?

I want to keep it open. I'm going to grind out the mounting hardware and brackets.

I'm trying to figure out how I want to position the air tanks. The shape of the backbone and the height of my drag bars are making it difficult.
While I was at the Colorado Motorcycle Expo, I picked up this beautiful springer front end.

I love the brushed copper bits, and have always liked the springer style.

The trouble is, I think it's for a Harley. It was kind of an impulse buy, so I didn't have all of the measurements I should have. I think with a few new bearings and a spacer I can get it on the bike. Then I need to find some wheel bearings to fit both the wheel and the 19mm axle. And I can't forget I need to figure out some brakes...

Oy, what have I gotten myself into?
:BigGrin: Nice buy! I'm sure you'll figure out how to make it work. Big thing with adapting the springer though will be getting brakes installed.
Gas tanks!

I cleaned them up with a wire brush wheel and a flap disk on my angle grinder and plumbed the two tanks together. The coils on top are air vents so I can use all 4 gallons of capacity. I'm planning on running a line from the T to a little charcoal canister so I can pretend to be environmentally friendly.

I strapped them on and plumbed them in. I'm fairly impatient so I filled them up, filled the radiator and started her up. I'm going to have to drain them when I paint them...

Well she started easy enough and as she warmed up, my soldering on the bottom of the radiator started leaking... so that'll be the focus for this weekend.
It certainly has the steampunk style now. Ride it by the plumbers office . Hey buddy I smell gas can you help? :smilie_happy:
Can she rise from the dust?!!!

I pulled her out of the garden shed from the farthest corner of my yard where she has slept for the last 6 years. Drug the bucket of parts and the yet-to-be-completed fuel tanks over to my driveway. Gave her a quick one over, checking out the wires and hoses hanging from her naked frame, figuring out which were necessary to crank her over. Put my socket on and slowly cranked her over by hand. Still smooth.

I connected a battery to her and sprayed a little starting fluid into her carburetor. I just wanted to hear her kick a bit. I hit the starter button and BANG! she backfired, angry at being left alone for so long. I cranked her over a few more times and she reluctantly kicked back to life. I stuck her fuel hose into a nearby gas can and watched as she sucked up the gas and filled her bowls. Set the choke to full and turned her over again. She kicked and sputtered and refused to idle unless I fed her extra and kept that choke tight. With all that the project has started anew!

I pulled the carburetor to see how it has fared over the years. Ashamed to find it full of gunk from not being put away properly.


Well I got that cleaned up and started working on my manifold. My fabrication skills have slightly improved over the years so I whipped up a new pair of spacers and cut out some gaskets with my laser.


Next up I'll start reworking the plenum and runners, making sure I don't have any vacuum leaks.
4-6 ounces to a full tank. Any brand ATF for any car. I've been using Peak brand because it's the least expensive in this area. I generally do not run below a half tank so just a one or two second splash at fill up works for me. If you get a little blue smoke don't freak just skip adding at next fill and use a little less thereafter.
Two stroke oil works well too. 😉😊

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