Thanks to every one who responded, but let me bring everyone up to speed. Starting at the plug caps, I took them out of the circuit and tested with a 5K ohm reading on each. The circuit in question (3&4) cly has a new coil (now I know I could get a defective part, but the current coil is doin the same as the old coil) to top that off, I swopped coils and the problem does not follow. Leading me to belive the coil is good. As to voltage @ the coil (input) it is the same on both coils. On up the line @ the spark unit, again with all things being equal, I swapped them with out with the problem not changing (still at 3&4) so spark unit good. Again I also followed the test procedures in manuel and found no ill results. I did the grounding of the pulse gen lead test with good results. Ohm tested the pulse gen with a reading of 570 ohms @ 80 degrees (spec is 530 +/- 50 ohms At 68 degrees). Here is another thing that troubles me, I connected a spark tester to the spark plugs, 1&2 fire great, 3&4 is a noticable weaker spark. Plus when engine is reved to 3K rpm, spark gets weaker and at 3500 rpm, spark goes away compleatly for both 3&4 cyl. Am I looking at pulse gen issue? Again thanks to everyone for your help